Capítulo 21

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Fatima's POV

   Today is the day we are asking for Hafsa's hand in marriage officially. Mama has been telling us to get ready so we will go to their house early and leave.

"Aria,maheer"Ya Afiz called us

"Yes"we answered together

"Come down you are wasting our Time"he said

"We are here"we said

"Okay let's go"he said. We entered the car and drove to Hafsa's house

"Assalamualaikum"we salamed

"Wa Alaikumsalam"Hafsa's mother answered

"Who do we have today"she asked

"It is Fatima's Family"I said

"Ohh sorry welcome"she said

"No problem"mama answered

"Aunty please where is Hafsa?"I asked her

"she is in her to"she said

"Jummai"Hafsa's mother called

"Na'am"she answered. When she came out she greeted us

"Gani"she said to Hafsa's mother

"Take her to Hafsa's room"she told her

"Okay"jummai said. She took me to Hafsa's room

"Hafsa"I called

"Yes"she answered

"What are you still doing in the toilet"I asked her

"Nothing I am coming out now. Wait is that Fatima's voice I am hearing"she said

"No o it is your voice"i said. Then she came out of the bathroom

"Don't tell Me you just bathe"I told her

"I just did o"she said

"Okay befast and dress"I told her

"What is Ya Afiz's best colour" she asked

"Navy blue" I said because they was the colour of caftan he wore today

"Okay thank God I have navy blue dresses,come and choose for me""she said like a baby

"Okay I will. Just go and do your make up"I told her

"Okay"she said. When she finished her make up I brought out her cloth,she wore it then we sat down in the bed waiting for jummai or Hafsa's mother to call us.

    Later Hafsa's mother sent Ya Afiz to call us because jummai was sent. When he came he knocked at the door.

"Come in"Hafsa said not knowing it was Ya Afiz

"Baby your mother said I should call you"he said when he entered her room

"Okay boo I am coming"she said

"So now you are calling names  when I am here"I said

"Ya Afiz you even said they are calling her I know it is the two of us they are calling"I said

"Ohh true,I forgot"he said scratching the back of his head

"You have started forgetting about me even when you are not married"I said feigning hurt

"Sorry sister"he said

"Bribe me"I told him

"I will buy you ice cream and chocolate"he said

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