Capítulo 53

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Fatima's POV

    Muhammad has being super nice to me. Like he has started liking me. I dont want to give myself high hopes before I will be disappointed. I wanted to ask Maryam but I'm too shy to do so. I'm left with my thoughts to myself

"Fatima,are you done?"Muhammad asked me. I forgot to tell you Muhammad takes me to the office now and brings me back home too. We eat together during lunch break too. I'm happy we are progressing

"Yes I'm"i said and carried my bag

"Let's go"i said when I reached the parlour

    We entered the car and drove to my office.

"Drive safe"i said and left the car.

    This continued for like 2months. I was so happy Muhammad has changed but didnt know there will be disaster coming.
Muhammad started becoming his he was before after he came back one day from his work

"Muhammad are you okay?"I asked him and he ignored me

"Muhammad I'm talking to you?"i asked him

"Leave me alone Fatima. You are the caused of this. You made me forget my love,i betrayed her"he said crying

"Muhammad stop please. Go and rest"i said

"Dont tell me what to do"he said

"Now what will i tell her. I betrayed her,I betrayed our love"he continued

"Muhammad stop this nonsense. She is dead, she wants you to be happy "I said. Before I knew it, he slapped me

"So you are happy she is dead"he said

"I'm not happy she is dead. I just reminded you she is dead"i said stopping my tears

"Ohh you are such a hypocrite. I hate you "he said

"Muhammad I thought you have started liking me,why are you saying this?"I asked him crying

"I never liked you,I was just playing with you. Now stay in your lane you are just a stranger leaving with me in this house"he said

"So all this while you were just pretending to like me. I never really think you will do this to me,I cant believe I love you,i fell into your silly games. Weldone Muhammad ,you have broken me,you have won"i said and immediately went to my room and cried my heart out.

    Next morning, I woke up and decided to act like I wasnt broken yesterday. He will see the real Fatima now

    I went down and made my breakfast. I ate my food and left. I'm going to stop doing the house chores I will just hire a househelp that will be coming in the night do her work and go

    I reached my office did my work and went back home. I was chatting with my friends when Muhammad came in. I didnt even look at him talkless of greeting him

"Fatima didn't you see me?"he asked me and I ignored him. He asked the second time and third

"I did. What do you want me to do?"I asked finally looking at him

"Are you asking me that"he said

"Yes I'm "I said

"Fatima stop testing me"he said holding his anger

"What are you going to do? Slap me go ahead it is not like this is the first time "I hissed and left

    I went to my room and continue chatting.  I'm planning the next thing to do to him. I went downstairs and made my dinner. I was about to start eating when he entered the parlour

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