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As Haz walks me back to my table, Alex shoots him a death glare, obviously not liking that he swept me away. It's not that anything is going on between Alex and I, he just understands what I went through, and doesn't want me to be hurt again. Mostly cause he was hurt in the exact same way.
"Looks like your boyfriend isn't too happy about me showing up." Haz says quietly.
"Not that it's any of your business but, Alex is not my boyfriend." I state.
Haz almost looks a bit shocked, looking down at me as he takes slow steps so we have more time before we reach the table.
"Oh.. so, is there any other guy?" He asks, and I laugh lightly.
"Is that your way of asking if I'm still single?" I ask.
"Yeah pretty much." He nods.
"Well.. yeah. I'm single, and I actually really like it." I say and he scoffs, making me stop in my place, only feet away from the table.
"Scuse me? What was that?" I ask.
Haz knows me very well, probably better than anyone in my life other than my sister. It's annoying.
"You like being single?" He lifts his brow.
"Yes. I do." I answer.
"Kylie, you are romance writer, and a hopeless romantic. You don't like being single." He shakes his head.
He's right, but he doesn't need to know that.
"And you?" I ask. "How many girls in the past eight months?"
"Nine." He says.
"What?! Nine girls?" I ask, almost feeling a little heart broken that he could move on from me so easily.
"No. Nine months. Nine months today actually." He says. "And no, I haven't dated or slept with, or even met another girl since you."
The words leaving his lips surprise me, I was told that Haz was always the kind of guy that had girl after girl around, until he settled with me. I thought for sure that once we broke up he'd go back to his old ways.
"Oh.." was all I could say, before Alex makes his way up to us.
"We haven't met yet, I'm Alex." He says.
"Harrison Osterfield, but I'm sure you already know that." Haz says.
"Yeah, I've heard a lot about you." Alex nods.
"All good things I hope?"
"Nah not necessarily." Alex says. "Come on Ky, Alice bought shots."
"Bye, Haz." I say, almost feeling like I want to stay with him, but knowing I shouldn't. I can't let myself miss him again, it was too damn hard.
I follow Alex back to the table, and Alice looks at me with her mouth dropped.
"That's Haz?" She asks.
"Yup." I nod.
"He's hot as hell." She comments, making me laugh.
"He's got the prettiest eyes." Maggie says.
Alex scoffs, looking between the two girls.
"Have you guys forgotten everything Kylie told us? He's a dick." He says.
While Haz wasn't the worst, he definitely wasn't great either. When we first met, I had thought I found my fairytale love that I had written story after story about, I thought I found the man that would make me happy for the rest of my life, but as time went on, the intense, passionate love burned out. Haz became super busy with his business, and we just grew apart. I wasn't happy anymore, and he couldn't be bothered to work on our relationship, so I ended it. He wasn't ever mean, or aggressive, he just simply didn't care about me anymore. I couldn't stay in a one sided relationship any longer.
"Can we just pretend that didn't happen and get back to celebrating my birthday?" I ask.
"Yes! Shots! We're getting fun Kylie out tonight!" Maggie's cheers, handing me my first shot of the night. I down it quickly, really not enjoying the taste but also not caring because after running into Haz, I need it.
Throughout the night I find myself wanting to look back to Harrison's table, wanting to see him again, but I force myself to focus on my friends. He's my past, and my friends are my future. I need to focus on my future.
Fun Kylie is about two shots away from showing up, and honestly I'll be happy to let loose. Fun Kylie is the best, if there was karaoke here, I'd be doing it.
"Alright let's see.." I say, looking over to the bar. "Blonde hair blue shirt?"
Everyone's eyes dart to where mine are looking, and they all examine the man, deciding if I should go in for it.
"He's a ten." Alice states.
"Definitely." Maggie nods.
"He's your type. Go for it." Alex says.
And so with one more shot, I stand to my feet and confidently walk over to the bar. Of course I don't go directly up to him, instead I stand right next to him, ordering a drink from the tender. I can feel his eyes on me, and I mentally thank Alice for making me wear such a tight dress.
"I'm assuming you want me to talk to you?" The man asks with a light chuckle, making me turn to him.
"A little cocky are we?" I comment.
"Only a little." He shrugs. "I'm Damien."
"Kylie." I say.
"Well Kylie, why don't we go sit and talk?" He asks, and it instantly makes me smile. I don't think I've ever met a guy in a bar that doesn't want to just leave.
"Yeah." I say, grabbing my drink from the tender and following Damien across the room to another table. I notice my friends watching intently, and someone else.. Haz.
"So what are you into?" Damien asks.
"Well, I like writing, and horror movies! Oh and Carmel corn." I list off things drunkenly and he shakes his head.
"No I meant in bed." He says and my eyes widen.
"I'm sorry, huh?"
"Well that's what you were wanting to happen here right?" He asks in confusion.
"Well yeah, but then you asked to talk so.." I trail off.
"About what we wanted to do tonight." He says.
Oh, so he's not a nice guy after all. Got my hopes up for nothing. I don't even know why I'm doing this, I don't do hook ups. This is so unlike me.
"Mate what are you doing with my girlfriend?!"
My eyes shoot up to see Haz standing there.
"What are you-" he cuts me off.
"She came on to me, swear man." Damien says quickly, standing from his seat with a stumble.
"Go." Haz says simply, and the boy is quick to scurry off.
I look up to him, irritated but somewhat grateful that he saved me from making a stupid mistake. He sits down in the chair, pulling it in and resting his arms on the table.
"Talking to strange men? That's not like you." He says.
"Yeah I know." I nod, taking a sip of my drink.
"It was weird.. seeing you talk to other guys.. I haven't had to think about it until now." He says.
"So you really haven't gotten with anyone?" I ask.
I know I probably have no place to ask him anything about his personal life, but I truly can't believe that he's been alone all this time.
"Of course not." He says as if it's a crazy idea to think otherwise. "You were done with me, I wasn't done with you. I'm still healing."
His words bring pain to my heart. The thought of him hurting makes me sad.. I would never wish pain upon him, he wasn't a shitty person, he just wasn't the best boyfriend.
"I never meant to hurt you." I say.
"I know you didn't, Angel. And I've come to understand why.. I was immature, I flirted with other girls and I took you for granted. You had every reason to leave." He explains.
We both sit back, drinking the alcohol in our glasses, I really wasn't expecting this tonight, but I'm grateful for it. I feel like this gave me closure I haven't had these past eight months.
"Listen.. I completely understand if you say no but.. the guys really miss you. I really miss you.. maybe you'd want to come get lunch with everyone? Or we could all go down to the golf course?" He asks.
"Haz you know I'm shit at golf." I giggle, reminiscing on the old memories of him desperately trying to teach me how to play, and me failing epically. Me and golf do not mix.

I follow Haz and stand where he tells me to. Tom walks over, handing me the stick thingy and I hold it with confusion.
"What is this for?" I ask.
"To hit the golf ball you dumbass." Tom laughs.
"Hey!" Haz says warningly to Tom. "Be nice to my girl, she hasn't done this before."
"Yeah Tom be nice!" I stick my tongue out at him, earning an eye roll.
After over an hour of Haz trying to teach me, I really just couldn't get it. I absolutely suck at golf, which I don't mind. I didn't want to do it anyways. I only came to make Haz happy.
"Well.." he starts. "You might just need to be my pretty little lady that comes for support. Not to play."
"Agreed." I laugh.
And I definitely loved watching him play the rest of the evening.
End of flashback

"Alright, no golf." He laughs. "Lunch?"
I contemplate the offer, do I really want to put myself in their lives again? It might make things messy..
"I don't know.." I mutter.
"Cmon, it'll be a nice place, and if anything you get free food." He says with a knowing smirk. He use to use that debate with me every single time he asked me to go to one of his business luncheons with him, and it worked every single time.
"Yeah.. alright." I nod.
"Perfect." He smiles. "Do you still have the same number?"
"Yeah." I respond.
I see Alex watching me intently, and Alice nudges him to get him to stop.
"I see your friends are anxious to get you back so I'll let you go." He says. "But I can't wait for lunch."

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