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My alarm wakes me up, and I groan. Five hours of sleep was not nearly enough. I sit up, and grab my phone to turn off the alarm and check a couple texts before getting ready. I shower, get dressed, and do my hair for work. I have five meetings today, which is going to suck when I'll be half asleep the entire time.
I walk down the hallway, and smell something really good coming from the kitchen. Rayna must have made breakfast. I missed her cooking so much. As I walk into the kitchen, I don't see Rayna, but I see Haz standing there frying bacon and making scrambled eggs. Shirtless, of course.
"Good morning." He smiles when he sees me.
"Morning." I say. "Since when do you cook?"
"Since I asked Rayna to teach me, now I only have her cook dinners and that's just because I like to eat when I get home." He shrugs.
"I'm impressed." I comment.
"I also knew you would go to work without eating like you always have and you know how I use to scold you for that." He laughs lightly.
I sit down in the chair on the other side of the island from him as he plates the food for both of us. He hands me my plate and I thank him. He then sits down next to me, and I lift my brow at him.
"Not gonna put a shirt on?" I ask.
"Why? Cant stop gawking at my abs?" He smirks and I roll my eyes.
"Definitely not." I scoff.
"Go ahead, admit that you think I've gotten even hotter since we broke up."
He's not wrong. He definitely started working out after we broke up, it's obvious by looking at his toned muscular body, but I'd never tell him that.
"You're alright." I tease and his mouth drops.
"It's okay that you don't see it, obviously your taste in men has gone downhill since you started hanging out with that Alex guy." He says and I can't help the annoying laugh that escapes my mouth. It shouldn't be funny but it really is.
"Alex is not ugly!" I scold.
"Well he's definitely not attractive either." He says.
"You're mean, and you just don't like him."
"That is all correct." He nods.
I finish eating quickly, seeing I have to be at work in fifteen minuets.
"Oh no.." I sigh as I get up from my seat.
"What?" He asks.
"I only have the Tesla to drive.." I groan.
"Or the Bugatti, or the lambo." He offers.
"Haz I can't drive an overpriced car to work people will ask questions! What am I suppose to say?!"
People at my work are always in my business, especially Jenelle. There's no way they'll just let it slide.
"Tell them your sexy ex bought it for you." He says like it's no big deal.
"You annoy me." I groan, grabbing my keys to the Tesla.
"Well at least I'm making you feel something!" He calls as I leave.

•Haz's Pov•
After getting ready and driving to work, I walk into my office, ready to do everything that needs to get done today. Which is a lot.
I look at the little framed picture of Kylie and I sitting on my desk, and a smile grows on my face. She will be mine again. Soon.
She's acting like she's over me, and like she doesn't want to be with me, but that's all it is. An act. I know how she feels about me. A love as strong as what we had doesn't just go away, it's always there. She just has to trust me, and this time, she can.
There's a knock on my office door and it opens. Tom walks in, shutting the door behind him.
"So how's it going with the ex?" He asks, and I know he's hoping to hear that everything is just as it was, but he won't get that report today.
"It's going good, she's talking, hanging out, we're friends." I explain.
"Friends?" He asks and I sigh.
"Yeah, she thinks she's over me but she's definitely not." I shake my head.
"How do you know that?" He asks.
"Because we had a moment last night. I ran my hand over her skin and she got goosebumps, then blushed. There's still something there, she's just hiding it and pushing it away. Believe me. By the end of these ten days, she's going to be in love with me again." I say with certainty. I know I'm right, because I know Kylie better than anyone. The only reason we're not together already is because we both did well at staying away, then I realized I couldn't be without her, so I went to the bar. Living together is bringing us back to what we use to be, I can feel it. If she truly doesn't want me anymore, then I'll respect that, but I know that's not the case.
"Hope so mate, miss having her around." He says.
"Yeah she has this new guy friend-"
"Guy friend?!" Tom exclaims. "She replaced me?!"
I laugh at how high his voice got. Tom and Kylie were super close, so close that it annoyed me sometimes. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to bring up Alex.
"She didn't replace you, she just joined this new friend group with a guy in it."
"Well Damn now I have to beat him. I need an hour lunch, I'm gonna go see Kylie." He says.
"Really?" I laugh.
"Yes! I have to reclaim my spot!" He exclaims, and leaves my office.
Lunch time comes, and Tom is quick to leave. I find it funny how badly he wants to be Kylie's best friend again. He missed her a lot when we stopped dating.
I keep working, and after about five minuets my office door opens quickly. Who the fuck is just waking in-
My anger disappears when I see my girl shut the door behind her, and I instantly feel happy.
"What are you doing here Ky?" I ask.
"Everyone at work keeps bothering me, my friends will pester me, so you're all I had left." She says as she sits across from me, pulling her feet up on the chair and pulling out some food.
"You know, Tom left about eight minuets ago to see you." I say and she laughs.
"I should call him but.. it'd be really funny if he was just lost, walking around the office looking for me." She says.
"You're terrible, darling." I state.
"Come on you'd do the same thing." She shakes her head, holding half of her sandwich out to me. I smile, remembering how we'd always share a sandwich at lunch time. She handed it to me like nothing has changed.
"You're right, I would." I laugh.
I love how she looks when she's in her work clothes, her hair tied up messily because she always wears it down but then gets irritated with it throughout the day so she ties it back. She's the cutest person on this entire planet in my eyes.
"New desk?" She asks.
"Yeah." I nod. "Finally got a new one after we almost broke my last one." I smirk.
"You're disgusting. You don't get to think about that stuff anymore." She says quickly.
"Oh don't act like you don't." I say and she scoffs.
"I don't!" She exclaims.
"Not a liar. You're just dirty." She states.
She's not wrong. I mean, she has only slept with two other people before. I'm the dirty one not her.
"You're telling me you never think about how I had you naked on my desk with my hand over your mouth to quiet your moans?" I question, noticing her legs strategically cross as if I wouldn't know why.
"Stop talking like that, you have cameras now, anyone could be listening right now." She says.
"Funny, you use to get excited by the thought of someone catching us." I tease, and I can tell she's getting fed up with me real quickly.
"Excuse me!" Tom busts into my office, and we both start laughing. "What are you doing here?!"
"Eating lunch, what's up?" She asks casually.
"I drove all the way down to your office, and not only were you not there, but your replacement for me was there too!"
"Alex was at my work? Why?" She asks.
"He said he was worried about you." Tom says and I roll my eyes. This guy is way too obsessed with her, and it's starting to get on my nerves.
"Sorry Tommy." She says. "Wanna share my crisps?"
Kylie holds up the bag to him, and he breaks, walking over and pulling one out of the bag. It feels good to have everyone back together. All I need now is to make her fall in love with me, and make sure this Alex guy doesn't steal her away.

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