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•Kylie's pov•
I pull away from the forced kiss with anger, pushing Alex harshly off of me.
"What the fuck Alex?!" I yell at him.
"You didn't feel anything?" He asks with disappointment.
"No! Alex I don't feel that way about you and I already told you that. You can't just kiss me and assume I'll fall in love with you!"
He looks really upset with himself, and he should be. You don't just kiss someone after they told you they aren't romantically interested in you. That's so disrespectful. He definitely had to be a little drunk, which bothered me even more because now I have to drive him home. The last thing I want to do is get in a car with the guy.
"Come on, let's take my car." I say to him. "You're going home."
"I can drive myself." He mumbles.
"We're you drinking?" I ask.
"A little." He shrugs.
"Then you're not driving yourself."
We walk up the driveway to my Tesla, and I run inside to grab my keys. I see Haz sitting on the sofa with a beer in his hand. His head shoots over to look at me when I come inside, grabbing the keys off the table.
"I need to drive him home. He's drunk." I say.
"Ok." He says plainly, turning his attention back to his phone.
"I'll be right back." I shut the door and walk over to my car.
The drive to Alex's was almost completely silent other than the quiet music playing from the radio. We had such an amazing friendship. It was perfect. And now it's all ruined, there's  no way to come back from this. I pull up to his house and he gives me a sad look.
"I'm sorry Kylie." He says, before getting out and walking inside his house.
I take a moment to just sit in my car alone, inhaling deeply and exhaling all my stress. My life can not revolve around everyone around me. Alex made it clear that he didn't think about my feelings tonight, so why am I keeping myself away from the person I love just to spare his feelings?
I enjoy the ride home alone, I kind of missed having alone time. But when I'm not at work I'm with Haz, when I'm not with Haz I'm with my friends, or you know- getting kissed by a drunk guy that I don't like.
I get back to the house, kicking off my shoes and seeing Haz sitting at the kitchen island with his laptop out. I walk into the room, and he pays me no attention.
"It's late." I say.
"I know, just answering a few emails." He nods, typing something and shutting the laptop.
He turns to me, and gestures for me to sit across from him. I take a seat and he talks.
"I just want to say I'm really glad we're friends again." He starts.
"Haz actually i-"
"You know I think it's better like this, being friends. There's no stress, no expectations. We can just enjoy each other's company."
His words shock me, because I thought he was still in love with me. I guess not anymore.. he managed to make me fall for him all over again, and now I'm the one left to suck up my feelings..
"Yeah.. it's great." I say quietly.
"Well, we should get to sleep, we have the charity dinner tomorrow." He says. "Goodnight."
"Night Haz." I say and he walks off.
Well.. what do I do now? I guess I'll just sleep on it.
Haz left to sort out a few things for the charity dinner tonight, and I was left alone to pass the time before I need to get ready. Everything just feels wrong now though. I'm here, living with the love of my life, getting ready to go to an event with him and now that I want him, he doesn't want me.
I pull the gorgeous blush colored satin dress that I had picked out at his office days ago out, laying it on the bed. I have no clue how to do my hair for this, or what shoes to wear. Normally I'd have Alice or Maggie come over to help me out, but I really don't want to deal with explaining the details of everything going on with me and Haz.
I pull out my curling wand, plugging it in to let it heat up. I grab my phone, and text Tom.
Kylie: what shoes with this dress?
I wait for his text back, knowing he will know exactly what to wear. Tom is ridiculously fashionable, so is Haz. It's annoying.
Tom: none that you have. I'll be by soon.
I roll my eyes at the text. Tom is so dramatic.
As I wait for his arrival, I do my hair, putting some oils in it to make it gorgeous and shiny. I don't normally put much effort into my hair other than brushing it and throwing it into a pony tail, so it's nice to have it down and styled.
I hear the door open and I wait. Tom soon walks into the room, handing me a shoe box and flipping down onto the bed. He's dressed really nice, in a gorgeous olive green suit with black accents.
"Picked those up, they should work." He says.
My eyes widen when I look at the price tag. This is ridiculous.
"Tom these were $3000?!" I exclaim.
"Yeah I used Haz's credit card." He shrugs to me.
"And why do you have his credit card?" I question.
"Because I steal it to buy fancy wines." He states as if it's the most normal thing to say.
I set the shoe box down, laying back on the bed next to Tom as we both stare up at the ceiling.
"Everything okay?" I ask him.
"Yeah, just dateless for tonight." He sighs.
"Well you could take me. I'm sure Haz couldn't care less." I mutter
"Yeah I'm sure." He laughs.
"I'm serious. He friend zoned me." I say and he sits up quickly, his brows scrunched together.
"What?" He says in disbelief.
"Yeah. Definitely not what I expected." I sigh.
"That makes no sense! At all!" He groans. "I'll talk to him."
"No dont!" I say quickly.
"You guys are so fucking annoying with this back and forth shit. You just need to get back together.."
"Well, I don't think that's happening." I frown.
I hear Haz's car pull up, and the front door open. Tom gives me one last look, as if he's asking if I want him to say something. I shake my head to him, and he nods.
"Go hang out with with him, I have to get ready." I say.
"You sure you're okay?" He asks.
"It's not like we're breaking up again Tom. I'll be fine." I shoot him a smile.
Tom gets up, and leaves the room to go see Haz. I change, slipping on the satin floor length dress and heels that Tom had brought me. I've never felt more elegant. I look in the mirror, appreciating my good self image day, and loving how the whole look came together. I feel like a princess. I don't get to feel like that very often.
I snap a couple photos for my Snapchat, and lock my phone to slip it into my clutch. I'm all ready to go to this charity dinner and pretend to not be in love with Haz.
I walk out to the living room, seeing both of the boys ready to go in their suits. They both look over to me, mouths dropped and eyes wide.
"Daaaamn look at you! You're gorgeous!" Tom says and I laugh.
"Thanks Tommy." I say. "Wouldn't look this good without the shoes you got for me."
I take notice of Haz's eyes on me, and apparently so does Tom cause he gives me a knowing smirk.
"I'm gonna head out, meet you guys there?" He asks.
"See you there Tom." I say and he makes his way out. Haz still is just looking at me, an unreadable expression on his face.
"Do I look okay?" I ask.
"Angel, you look absolutely stunning." He smiles, walking closer to me. "You'll be the prettiest girl in the room."
I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach. It only makes me sad though.. because I know he just wants to be friends. All I want to do right now is grab his face and kiss him. I want to go to this dinner together as a couple. To be each other's world again. That's not going to happen though. Maybe Haz and I had one chance, and we took it, and it ended ugly. This is a chance to be friends though, to still have him in my life. I won't fuck that up.

A/N: sorry if there's spelling errors or something I'm highkey stressed about the election so my brain is not in writing mode.

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