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"This is amazing." I say, sipping the champagne.
"It was two thousand pounds." He says and I roll my eyes. Of course it was.
The heat from the fire is hitting my skin, the orange glow making Haz look amazing, just as he always does. I want to say something. I'm going to say something. I just need the courage.
Monty sits to the side of us, his head laying on the ground. Everything about tonight is perfect and cozy. I could see this being my life. Coming home to Haz every night again, us cuddling up on the couch with tea and a blanket. I can see us being in love again.
"So I have one more surprise for you." He says.
"Is it a pony?" I question sarcastically.
"Sadly it is not." He sighs over dramatically.
He reaches over to his briefcase, pulling out a file inside. Where could he possibly be going with this?
He hands the file to me, and I open it. I can't understand what it means, all I see is a bunch of words and prices. A business plan maybe? I look up to him, completely lost.
"What is this?" I ask.
"It's the new business plan for the diner." He says.
"But.. they're closing down." I shake my head.
"It was, until a generous donor sent the owners a check for 30,000 pounds. Just enough to keep them going until their new marketing team gets them up and running again."
My mouth drops, and I'm honestly at a loss for words. I can't believe he did that.. he saved our diner.
"I couldn't let the place where we met get shut down.. it's too special to me." He mumbles shyly.
"Haz, that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done." I admit. "I'm so happy."
"I'm glad." He grins.
You don't just spend 30k on a place simply because it's where you met someone unless you care deeply about them. This shows how he feels, it shows that maybe this is our time. Maybe it's going to work out. I can only hope that, if he's willing to save the birthplace of our love, it will last.
"Haz I need to say something." I start.
"Alright." He nods, setting his drink down.
Okay.. here we go.
"Actually you know what? No." He shakes his head.
"No?" I question.
"You don't get to come here, and drink my fancy champagne, and listen to me tell you I saved our diner, and tell me you don't want to be any more than friends." He says.
A small laugh escapes my lips at his attitude, is that really what he thought I was gonna say? His brow lifts at my laugh.
"Haz." I say, making his eyes lock with mine. "I am hopelessly in love with you."
I watch the light in his eyes shine brightly, and he reaches out to grab my waist, pulling me onto him so I'm straddling his lap. He squeezes me tightly and pulls away to kiss my lips with the passion we had when we first kissed. The way his lips move against mine brings it all back. The memories, the commitment, the love. I am in love with this man. Finally we have found our way back to each other.
"This time Angel, I am not letting you go." He shakes his head.
"You better not." I say, pressing my lips to his once more.
I wake up in Harrison's bed, his sleeping body next to mine and Monty at our feet. This is it. This is the perfect life.
Monty makes a little whine sound, and i sit up to see him.
"Cmon, let's go potty." I say quietly to him, getting out of bed and walking him down the stairs into the back yard. He runs around, and starts to do his business.
I breath in the crisp morning air, feeling content where I am. I hear the back door open, and turn to see Haz walking out with a sleepy face, and a hoodie in his hands.
"Why are you out here in a T-shirt? You're going to freeze." He says, pulling the hoodie over me and yanking the hood over my head.
He pulls me into his chest, where I happily rest my head against him and listen to his heart beat. I really can't understand how such a perfect human exists, but he does, and he's mine.
"Cmon Monty it's cold." Haz calls, prompting Monty to run inside, the two of us following in behind him.
Haz scoops me up in his arms, making a laugh escape my lips as he falls back onto the sofa, placing quick kisses all over my face.
"What was that for?" I grin.
"I love waking up with my favorite person." He says softly.
"Tom's not here." I joke and he laughs.
"I guess you guys are tied." He shrugs.
Ah their bromance will forever be in my life and I'm not complaining. Tom's and Haz's friendship is what we all strive for in life. He's lucky to have a friend as great as Tom.
"Speaking of Tom, I think that's his car that just pulled up in the driveway." He says and I turn to look out the giant window on the living room wall. I see Tom walking up to the door and I jump up from Haz's lap to go answer it. I already know exactly how he's going to react and I can't wait.
I open the door before he can, and his eyes widen when he sees me, standing at the door in Haz's hoodie and pajama pants.
"Don't mess with me cause I'll be upset." He warns me, lookin me straight in the eyes.
"It's official." I say with a smile and his fists rise to the air, a cheer coming from his mouth.
"Fucking finally!" He says, holding his hand up to high five me.
I slap my hand to his, and Haz pops up behind me with his arm wrapping around my lower back.
"Don't fuck it up this time mate. She's totally out of your league." Tom says, making me laugh. I look up to Haz to see his mouth dropped in offense.
"Scuse' me?" Haz gasps.
"Yeah she's hot." Tom nods and I shake my head in amusement. Here we go.
"Well first of all, I think we're on a pretty equal playing field, she's just a little hotter than me. Second of all if you ever call my girl hot again I'm gonna have to beat your ass." Haz says.
Tom and I look to each other, bursting out laughing.
"Oh baby you couldn't beat up Tom." I pat Haz's head like a puppy.
"I could too." He frowns.
"Mate, I'd drop you so quick." Tom states.
"Alright let's not start anything." I laugh. "Tom, I know you have an intense bromance with my boyfriend but maybe could I have him to myself today? Pretty please?"
"Yeah, I just needed the paperwork for tomorrow's conference." He says.
Haz gets the files for him, handing them all over. Tom looks between the two of us, a smile on his face.
"I really am happy for you guys." He says.
"Thanks Tom." I say, hugging him tightly before we say goodbye and shut the door.
Haz turns me to face him, his hands grabbing my waist as he pulls me close to him, his hot breath hitting my face.
"It felt good to hear you call me your boyfriend." He comments.
"I hope you don't get too use to it." I say.
"Why not?" He asks.
"Because I'm hoping that soon enough I'll get to call you my husband."

A/N: I've decided this is the last chapter. Short and sweet❤️ I hope you guys liked this, it was one of my most innocent soft stories so my next one is gonna be one of the darkest stories I've ever written. I hope you'll check it out. It will be called 'I'm Not Broken' and the first chapter will be out on Wednesday. Thanks for reading!

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