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I walk into my office, groaning when I see the giant stack of paper work. I really don't want to do this, it's going to ruin the happiness I have from staying the night with Kylie.
"Good morning." Tom says as he walks in my office.
"Feeling better?" I lift my brow at him.
"Huh?" He asks.
"Oh you know, the awful illness you had yesterday." I remind him.
"Oh yeah! Definitely feeling better mate." He nods and I roll my eyes, sitting in my chair. "How'd it go?"
"How'd what go?" I ask.
"You know what I fucking mean, how'd it go with Kylie?"
"It was fine." I state and he throws his hands up.
"That's all you're gonna give me?!" His voice goes high pitched.
"Tell ya what, you get all this paper work done and I'll give you the details." I say, motioning to all the papers piled on my desk.
"Done." He says, grabbing all the papers off my desk and heading back to his office. He doesn't need to know how uneventful last night was until after all that paper work is done. Sometimes having a gullible best friend is the best.
I tap my fingers on the desk, thinking about our day yesterday, and how our diner is closing. It's so sad.. I know how much the owners love it, and how much Kylie loves it..
I do some research, figuring out the expenses it would take if say.. I were to buy a diner. I think if it were to be revamped, and marketed better, it could really be successful. With a few tweaks it could attract large groups of younger people. I send an email to the owners, telling them I'd like to contribute my financial and marketing help to them if they decide to keep their diner. I know it would mean the world to Kylie if our place stayed up and running. Worth a shot.
I see a familiar blonde walk by my office, and my blood boils from anger. I stand from my seat instantly, walking out into the hallway. I follow down to the office he walks into, and open the door.
"What the hell are you doing here, Michael?" I ask.
"Well I just figured once you cooled down you'd not be so set of firing me-" he tries.
"Once I cooled down?" I question. "There's no cooling down over the fact that you raped someone. You are still fired. You need to leave right now."
He shakes his head, standing to his feet.
"I really don't know where you're getting this from. It was fine. She was alert and enjoying herself. I think you're just jealous because you realize that she's moved on from you."
I know he's just trying to get to me. I won't let him. I know my girl and I know what happened. He's not going to sit in my office and act like he's innocent.
"She was drunk and you assaulted her." I state. "Should I call security or do I need to drag your ass out myself?"
"So you're really firing me?!" He asks in disbelief like he didn't even see this coming.
"Yes. You're fired. Get out." I nod.
"This is unbelievable." He shakes his head.
"You're lucky I'm not doing much worse."
Michael grabs his things, and leaves angrily. He may have been good at his job, but no matter how good someone is I won't allow that kind of behavior in this office. I have to admit, it's going to feel nice not having him around.
•Kylie's pov•
I sit in my office, emailing with my publishers before having a meeting with a new writer. Today is going so slow, I just want my book to be out already.
There's a knock on my door, and Jenelle opens the door.
"There's a boy here for you." She says.
My attitude lightens, Haz is here to see me?
"Let him in." I nod.
She waves him over, and opens the door wider. My brows scrunch together when I see not Haz, but Alex. He gives me a small smile, shutting the door behind him.
"Hey.." I say quietly, honestly mostly in shock that he's here. We kind of fell out, I didn't expect this.
"Kylie I owe you an apology." He says. "I've been a bad friend to you these past couple weeks."
"Yeah. You have." I state.
"I'm sorry for kissing you when I knew you didn't like me like that, and I'm sorry for getting angry that you didn't feel the same way. I think I just got really jealous and insecure when Harrison showed up, but that's no excuse for how I acted." He says.
"Thank you, Alex. I appreciate your apology." I smile.
I honestly missed Alex, well.. old Alex. The Alex that existed before I found out that he liked me romantically.
"I missed you. And I'll get over you, but I don't want to loose you as a friend." He states.
"You're not going to." I assure him.
I knew I was destined to meet Alex, and to become his best friend. Maybe the whole breakup with Haz was so I could meet him and the girls. They add so much to my life, and I'm grateful for them. I could never let anything get in the way of that.
"Good. Now if you still love Haz, I'm on board, he just better be good to you this time."
"Well.. I don't think we'll have to worry about that." I shrug and he sits down on the chair across from me.
"Why not?" His brows scrunch together.
"We just haven't been there at the same time. Something always gets in the way. I guess it's happened like that for a reason." I shrug
He simply shakes his head at me, and I wait for him to explain.
"Kylie this is what you do. You self sabotage." He states.
"I do not!" I exclaim.
"Yes you do!" He says. "You need to just tell him exactly how you feel, or you'll never know. You're such a strong confident woman, Kylie. If he can't see that and fall in love with that then he's an idiot."
I laugh lightly, yep, that sounds like Alex.
"Maybe. We will see." I say.
There's a knock on my office door, indicating that my client is here for their meeting.
"Well, I hope you do. You deserve to be happy." Alex says, standing up from his seat.
"Thank you Alex." I say, walking around my desk to give him a tight hug.
After a long day, I shove all my things into my bag and clear off my desk. My office phone rings and I groan, not wanting to take another call before I leave. I grab the phone, holding it to my ear with my shoulder as I finish putting papers away.
"Kylie Waters office." I answer.
"Hello Angel."
A smile creeps on my face, and I sit down in my chair.
"What a nice surprise." I say.
"Are you almost done?" He asks.
"I am. Why?"
"Because I'm outside and I have a little surprise." He says.
I look out the window, seeing his car parked in the lot.
"What's the surprise Hmm?" I hum.
"You won't know until you get down here." He says, and the line goes dead.
I set the phone down, grabbing my bag and walking out.
"Have a nice evening." Jenelle says.
"You too." I smile, stepping out the front door.
I open the door to the Lamborghini, getting inside. I see the sweet little Monty in the car and I squeal, scratching his head.
"Hey Monty!" I say excitedly.
"Alright so, I miss having you around. So I thought maybe we could go on a picnic." He suggests.
"Haz it's 35 degrees out here." I giggle.
"Which is why we're going to do it in front of the fire on my living room floor." He says with a grin.
"That actually sounds perfect."
Haz drives off, speeding slightly as he always does. I swear I can't stand how men always have to show off in their dumb cars.
We get to the house, and Monty jumps out when I open the door. I get out, following Haz inside. I'm so happy to be hanging out with him again. Maybe tonight.. I'll tell him how I feel.

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