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After my long day at work, I leave without saying anything to my co workers because I don't want to get them started again. They were so annoying today, they think they're entitled to know my life, but we're barely friends. I also avoided texting Alex back yet too. He's worrying for absolutely no reason, I've never said anything about Haz that should make him concerned. It's kind of ridiculous how he's acting. I'd get it if I was ignoring all of his calls and texts, but I'm not. He knows I'm okay, he just doesn't like that I'm with Haz.
I walk into the house, and I hear the sound of soft music playing in the background. I kick off my shoes in the entry way, and set my bag down. As I walk in I follow the music into the dinning room, where I see something I use to see a lot when we first moved in together.
Haz sitting at the table, which has dinner already prepared, waiting for me to come have a glass of wine with him and relax. I smile, remembering all the good moments that we had before all the bad.
I had the worst day. My boss was in a bad mood, my clients all showed up late for their appointments, and it was freezing cold all day. I just want to go home, and cuddle under a warm blanket with my boy.
I walk into the house, kicking off my shoes and stripping my jacket. It's so warm in here, the heater is blasting.
"Hello Angel." Haz smiles as he greets me in the entry way. He grabs my bag from me, setting it aside. "Tough day?"
"Mhmm." I hum with a nod.
"Well, I have a surprise for you."
He lifts me up swiftly and I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck as he carries me through the house, pressing a kiss to my cheek, and then my forehead. He makes me feel so loved. Moving in on our one year anniversary was the best decision I've ever made.
I'm set to my feet, and I look at the dinning room, seeing all the candles are lit and dinner is prepared beautifully. There's one thing that really catches my attention though. A thin black box sits on the table with a red bow on top.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Open it and find out." Haz says with an excited grin.
I reach for the box, and pull the top off to see two pieces of paper. Plane tickets to Bali.
"I'm taking a week off, we deserve some time away together." He says.
"I love you so much Haz. This is perfect."
"Anything for you."
End of flashback.

"Come, sit." He says, pulling out the chair next to his.
I walk over, taking a seat. This is normally where he would lean over and kiss me, and I can tell he knows that's the part we're at too, but instead he directs his attention to the food.
"I had Rayna make your favorite." He says and I smile widely.
"This is perfect Haz." I say.
We eat dinner and chat, like nothings changed at all. Every day back with him feels like another day in my old life, at its happiest point. I was sure I'd make it through this with no feelings but- it's only the end of the second day and I'm feeling something. I'm regretting this decision.
After eating we move to the living room where we decided to watch a movie but we really aren't paying the movie all that much attention.
"So I told him we could open the hotel in Ireland too, and he thought it was a great idea!"
"Haz.. you're absolutely amazing." I say. "I mean you were good at your job before but now? Even better. I'm impressed."
"Pfft, please. Your book is getting published. That's way bigger." He says.
"You know.. when I found out about it I almost texted you." I admit. "I figured you know, you were the only one who ever sat and read all my drafts and supported me through that, I thought you would want to know. I just got too scared."
"I wish you would have." He sighs.
"I have to ask.. why did you never contact me?" I ask.
"Honestly? At first I knew I just needed to work on myself but after that, I just kind of thought you hated me." He shrugs.
It makes me sad that he thinks I could ever hate him. He was my first love, he will always be special to me. I didn't think we'd get along as well as we have been since I came here. I definitely don't hate him but I did expect at least a few problems.
"I'd never hate you in a million years." I say.
He just stares at me for a moment, and I can tell his mind is running. I hate not knowing what he's thinking.
"Angel, I need an honest answer, because it's killing me." He starts. "Do you really have no feelings for me anymore?"
His question catches me off guard, and I don't answer quickly. This is a scary thing to ask, and it's a scary thing to answer. I know how I feel, I'm just nervous to say it.
"Haz.. there's always going to be a part of me that has feelings for you." I say quietly, and I see his eyes light up instantly. "But that doesn't mean we would be good together."
"Why?" He asks. "I genuinely want to understand why you think we'd be so awful together."
I sigh, knowing this conversation would come up sooner or later.
"Because I can't let you hurt me again. I just about didn't make it through the first break up, and I don't think I'd survive a second one." I can tell my words hurt him. Deeply.
"I would never, ever hurt you again. That was a one time mistake. Kylie if there's even a chance that you still love me, I'm not letting this go. I'm fighting for you." He says.
His hand grabs mine, interlocking our fingers. I know how Haz is, I know that when he sets his mind to something, he's determined to get it. For the first time ever, it's not a deal, or a business, it's me..
"I'm in love with you. I don't want just ten days I want you all the time. Just think about it."
Today is my day off, and I promised to go hang out with Alice, but I'm really nervous. I don't want to be questioned about what's going on with Haz. I want to keep my life with my friends and my life with Haz separate. Especially with the tension between Haz and Alex.
I grab my towel and my clothes, and leave my room to head towards the bathroom. As I reach out to the doorknob, it opens, and steam leaves the room as Haz walks out, wet, with a towel around his waist.
"My eyes are up here, Angel." He says, making me blush as my eyes shoot up to meet his.
"Don't flatter yourself I barely looked." I roll my eyes.
He gets a smirk on his face, and he grabs my hand, pulling me close and holding me against the door. I breathe heavily as his face hovers over mine, his hot breath hitting my skin.
"When did you get this attitude hmm?" He hums in my ear.
"Always had it." I shoot.
"You're a pain in the ass." He mutters, backing away from me and walking out of the room.
The air suddenly lifts, and I come to the realization of what just happened. My heart is beating so fast, I couldn't even think straight with him that close. It's been forever since I've experienced a moment like that.. and I almost wish it would have lasted longer..
After my shower, I get dressed for the day. I step out into the living room, my half dried hair hanging over my shoulder. I see Haz on the other side of the living room putting on his shoes for work. He's dressed in a gorgeous muted green suit that makes him look amazing. He looks up to me, and I quickly look down to my phone that's not even on, so he doesn't think I was staring at him.
"Ky, I'm really sorry about earlier." He says, catching my attention and making me look at him. "I have no right to sexualize you anymore, I just got caught up in the moment and it felt like old times- the last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable."
"You didn't." I shake my head.
"I didn't?" He asks.
"You're Haz. It's just who you are. Plus I don't blame you, I'm irresistible." I grin widely.
"You truly are, it's quite the problem." He agrees. "I'll see you when I get home."
"I may be out. Alice was talking about going to a bar later." I say.
"Okay just text me where so I can get you if you need." He says nonchalantly and I feel my heart pull in a way I wasn't expecting. It was just such a genuine reaction, he didn't even have to think about it. He just wants me to be safe.
"I will." I smile. "Have a good day at work Hazzy."
It's his turn to smile now as he stands up.
"You have no idea how much I missed hearing you say that every morning."

A/N: how is everyone liking the book? It feels weird only updating three times a week so I hope I'm making it worth the read!

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