•my son•

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𝐁𝐫𝐲𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧
I don't need you getting
hurt like I did, by a Hossler


Jordan Hall, 17
"the quiet one"


Ezra Hossler,16
"the basketball player"

It was a spring afternoon on the east coast so it was kinda cold and Jordan was walking to his dad's house after school. Jordan was always a bit quiet in school but he had friends if you count weed. he does have actual friends like Vinnie and John.

Ezra was at the basketball court practicing like he did every day. he was always a jock. he had also never been the person to be too open about himself. Jordan walked past the basketball ball court when he felt something hard and round hit him. "ouch you bitch" He yelled and looked at the person who hit him.

" shit sorry," Ezra said checking Jordan if he was okay.

" you good bro?" he asked. Jordan nodded and went to pick up the ball.

He and Ezra both reached down at the same time and bumped heads.

"fuck I'm s-sorry" Jordan stuttered.

Ezra laughed a bit " you're cute ya know" he said.

"Thanks?" Jordan was confused.

"hey let me walk home with you?" Ezra asked as he walked back with his stuff with Jordan following.

"uh sure," Jordan said playing with his fingers.

Ezra interlocked their hands and they walked back to Jordan's house. Jordan was very confused about this but went along with it. Ezra was pretty attractive anyway.

" well here we are my humble home," Jordan said.

" you live here!" Ezra exclaimed.

"Yeah my dad did some video thing as a young adult and he is also an investor with his own company so he made a bit of money and bought this place," Jordan said looking and his and Ezras hands still linked together.

" Whos you're dad? if you don't mind me asking" Ezra looked at Jordan, he took in all of Jordan's facial features. Like his black fluffy hair and his blue/green eyes. It was truly a blessing to look at someone pretty up close, not to mention the small hand tattoos that peaked out of his sleeve.

" uh, Bryce Hall, and your dad?" Jordan said. Ezra repeated that name in his head it sounded familiar.

"Jaden Hossler," Ezra said. Jordan's eyes went wide, Bryce had told him a thing or two about Jaden and a small portion of their history.

"oh cool well... um, I'll see you around," Jordan said and let go of Ezra's hand.

"uh yeah... wait do you maybe wanna go to the park with me later tonight like at 7 or something," Ezra asked.

" if that's your way of asking me out then sure I'd love to, Bye Ezra" Jordan said and he walked up to his front door. Ezra waved at Jordan and started walking off to his house.

" who were you talking to outside bud," Bryce said from the kitchen.

" uh, just Ez-a friend dad. and dinner smells good" Jordan said before he walked upstairs and went to his room to start on homework. He got out his notebook and began to work on his homework.

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