•business man•

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𝐁𝐫𝐲𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐧
put the pussy on smackdown. gang. gang.gang

It was gloomy and dark outside, a black Rolls Royce pulled up to a mansion estate in the rural part of New York.

The kid stepped out wearing a black suit and sunglasses. His hair was done in a neat way. He walked up to the house and walked in.

It was dark and quiet in the house, as soon as he flicked the light on he walked to his office.

He walked in and sat at his desk. He pulled out some paper and started working.

He heard a knock at his door, "Come in," he said in a stern voice. The door opened and it revealed his assistant.

"Hello sir," Bryce said as he walked up to him.

 "Make it quick I'm busy," Quinton said not taking his eyes off the papers.

"Cynthia is on line three and dinner will be done in 20," Bryce spoke and then left.

Quinton picked the phone up and started talking to his wife Cynthia. He and his wife never got along, so she left. He started having nights alone with guys, finding out he liked them more than girls. He and Cynthia were getting a divorce soon.

He hung up and ran his hand through his hair. He was young; fairly young at that. He was only 18, but he inherited his father's line of work.

"Sir dinner is ready," Bryce said through the door. Quinton stopped his work and opened the door.

He and Bryce walked down. Bryce got him situated and gave him his food. "Thank you. I'll see you in your room in 20. I need to relax a bit," Quinton winked and Bryce walked off.

That's another reason why Bryce was there. He and Quinton have had a thing going on for a few months. Bryce had grown feelings for his boss but he would never say anything. The pay was too good for him to leave.

Also not to mention free room. He walked up to his living space and cleaned his room which was already fairly clean.

About half an hour later Quinton came walking in. Quinton sat in one of the chairs that Bryce had. He motioned for Bryce to come over. Bryce got on Quintons lap and they began to make out.

"Knees now," Quinton said roughly. Bryce got down and started to unbuckle Quintons pants. He pulled the dick that was already hard and started to jerk him off with his hand.

Bryce then started kitty licking the tip before taking all of Quinton in his mouth. He bobbed his head up and down while swirling his tongue.

He hollowed his cheeks, something he figured out that Quinton liked, and continued bobbing up and down.

With a loud groan, Quinton came into Bryce's mouth. Bryce pulled his head off and swallowed his load.

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow," Quinton said and left

Bryce knew Quinton didn't have the same feelings that Bryce did for him, but at least they'd fuck.

It made him sad but he didn't care.

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