•going home•

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𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡 𝐱 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧
I missed my home.

"Hey Jaden," Josh said from his desk.

"Yeah," Jaden looked up from his phone.

"What was it like in Russia?" Josh got up from his desk and sat next to Jaden on the bed.

"I mean it was cold a lot. Kinda depressing. And the government is absolutely fucked," Jaden looked at his boyfriend who wrapped himself around his waist. "Why do you ask?" Jaden kissed the top of his head.

"Because you've been to Canada and know things about there so I wanted to know about your country," Josh smiled.

"I can take you there if you want," Jaden said blankly. He's always wanted to take Josh to Russia. He wanted Josh to meet his parents, but they both had been so busy throughout the year that they couldn't go.

"Wait really!" Josh says up filled with joy.

"Yeah I'll book the tickets," Jaden said as he watched Josh jump up and down. Jaden pulled out his computer and began to book the flights.

He got the booked for that coming Friday. Which was tomorrow, so they started picking.

It took them a few hours but they packed everything. They both flopped on the bed and cuddled.

"Hey, you guys want food or something?" Bryce just barged in.

"Sure" Josh nodded.

Bryce got them their food and left. "J can you speak some Russian?" Josh asked.

"Sure. what do you want to hear?"

"I don't know. surprise me" Josh smiled.

Jaden thought for a minute "YA lyublyu tebya bol'she chem chto-libo. moya yedinstvennaya nastoyashchaya lyubov'," Jaden smiled as he ended his sentence.

"The fuck does that mean?" Josh said looking confused.

Jaden giggled at his boyfriend. "I said. 'I love you more than anything. My one true love. which is true" Jaden smiled as he saw Josh crack a smile.

"I love you too," Josh said and kissed Jaden.

"Say it in french" Jaden whispered.

He loved when Josh would talk french. He found it hot. Good thing they are both switches and have the same kink.

"Je t'aime aussi," Josh spoke in a low tone.

"Fuck that's hot," Jaden bit his lip and kissed Josh again.

It was the next morning and it was very early. It was 4 am and they were on their way to the airport.

They went through TSA and sat and waited at their gate.

"Are you sure they're gonna like me?" Josh asked, shaking his leg. 

"Yeah they will," Jaden said placing his hand on Joshes knee. The two got on the plane and started their 16-hour flight.

They landed in Moscow, Russia at 7 am. They were both tiers as hell.

they took a cab to Jaden's parent's house after stopping to get coffee. Josh got to see some nice sights but it was normal to Jaden.

"Spasibo," Jaden told the cab driver, and he and Josh grabbed their bags.

Jaden knocked on his parent's door and then grabbed Joshes hand. Josh looked at him and smiled.

The door opens and there stood Jaden's father. "priyatno videt' tebya snova, a eto?" He looked at Josh who didn't understand a thing.

"Nice to see you, and this is?"

"Priyatno videt' tebya, papa, a eto moy paren' Dzhosh," Jaden said.

"Nice to see you too dad. this is my boyfriend, Josh"

"privet, Dzhosh. zakhodi," Jaden's dad motioned for them to come in. They came in and sat on the couch.

Jaden's mom who luckily spoke English and Russian was there.

"Hey, sweetie. Who's this?" She asked kissing Jaden's cheek.

"This is my boyfriend Josh." He said.

Josh looked at Jaden's mom "hello Mrs.Hossler" He smiled.

"Oh he's such a cute one," she whispered to Jaden before hugging Josh.

Jaden's dad asked a series of questions and Josh answered all of them. Well with Jaden and Jaden's mom translating them.

They were up in Jaden's room sitting in the bed. "See I told you they would like you," Jaden said wrapping his arms around Josh.

"Yeah, whatever. I like it here, but you were right it's cold," Josh laughed.

"I told you," Jaden kissed the side of his head.

the rest of the trip was spent with Josh and Jaden going everywhere. Jaden showed Josh all the places he used to go before he moved to America.

Josh even met some of Jaden's old friends. He learned a lot of embarrassing stories about Jaden. They were on the plane back to America when Jaden had a good idea to tease Josh a bit.

He ran his hand up and down Joshes thigh. Joshes breath hitched. He was horny because they didn't fuck for like 2 weeks.

They got off the plane at 12 pm LA time. They were glad to be back in the warm LA weather.

Jaden and Josh were still tired so once they got to the sway house they went straight upstairs changed and went to bed.

Cuddling each other of course, and Josh insisted that he wore his Russian boxers. Jaden rolled his eyes and then fell asleep.

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