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 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐊𝐢𝐨


(not edited) 

Jaden and Kio were in a restaurant with the other members of sway, all enjoying their time spent together. As innocent as this seems, it's not. 

"Kio, come sit with me," Jaden said. Kio had just gotten there, he had been running a bit late. But it was Kio, always late somehow. Kio, not having seen Jaden, his boyfriend all day was happy to sit close to him. He plopped right next to him, but that wasn't good enough for Jaden. He made a 'tch' noise and pulled Kio up onto his lap. 

"Why here?" Kio whispered to Jaden leaving back into his touch.

 "Because, I can," Jaden whispered sneakily placing his hand on Kio's thigh. Mid conversation, Kio started moving his hips along Jaden's thigh. No one took any notice of it since it was practically unnoticeable. But Jaden did, he tried to stop his hips but Kio kept going. 

"If you keep doing this I'm gonna-" Jaden said but got cut off by Blake asking for his attention. Jaden put his hands back on Kio's hips and moved them quicker. It was creating pleasure for both Kio and Jaden. 

Kio was biting his lip trying not to let anyone know what the two boys were doing, "f-fuck gonna cum," he moaned into Jaden's ear. Jaden took Kio off his thigh and sat him next to him, Kio whined at the sudden loss of friction, "Jaden, why?" he asked. 

"Because I want to see you completely unfold for me when we get back home alright?" Jaden said. He was a bit harsh but Kio knew that the acts they did were much better in private and Kio knew he had no ill intent by the harshness of his words. 

The food that they had ordered what seemed like forever ago, eventually came and they all started eating. Jaden took his opportunity to slip his hand on Kio's thigh and lightly rubbed it. Jaden didn't like that his boyfriend didn't react so he moved it higher. He got to Kio's crotch and palmed him lightly and it wasn't a surprise that Kio was still hard. 

"Fuck- Jaden" he cut himself off so he won't let a moan slip. 

"Good boys stay quiet" Jaden whispered in his ear and bit his ear lobe teasingly. Anthony saw and heard what just happened, it wasn't his business so he didn't say a thing but he did have a small smirk on his face. 

For the rest of the dinner, Jaden just kept his hand on Kio. He would lightly squeeze his dick or edge him as he was in the middle of the conversation. Kio, by the end of dinner, was eager for any sort of release. 

as they were driving Kio got very impatient, he decided to break Jadens number one rule.

don't jerk off

"ah fuck it," He said and put his hand in his pants, and began to jerk off. Jaden was fuming " Kio knock it off," He said sternly but Kio was stubborn enough to not stop

" fu-ck" he said as he came in his hand. " great you came once and your not gonna stop when we get home," Jaden smirked and Kio's face went pale.

they walk into the house and up to their 'special' room. " naked in 2 minutes if not more punishment for you" Jaden spoke lowly and left the room.

Kio did as told and stripped clean and waited by the door for Jaden. Jaden walked in and picked Kio up by the back of his neck and put him on the bed.

"Cuffs or rope baby boy" Jaden held up the two options. " Cuffs," Kio said it was the safer option, but he knew Jaden would make this go on for much longer.

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