•i missed you•

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𝐁𝐫𝐲𝐜𝐞 𝐱 𝐊𝐢𝐨———————————————————-
i missed you
more than you think

Kios pov

I woke up this morning and the house was silent. Too silent. I checked my clock and it was 11, so it was odd for it to be this quiet. I left my room and walked through the whole house.

Nobody was here. Maybe they went to the store? I film a few tiktoks to post later and then go to Instagram. I saw a tiktokroom post of the boys in Texas.

Not gonna lie that kinda hurt me tho, but what was worse was Addison was there. There was also a picture of Bryce kissing Addison.

Bryce and I have been dating for a few months just never announced it. It broke my heart. I didn't think he would do this, and I thought Addison and I were friends.

Maybe I should go back home for a bit. I booked a flight for later tonight and picked up my bag. I sat in my room crying. Bryce texted me a few times, but I didn't respond. I started scrolling on Twitter and then decided to tweet something.

Kio. Cyr- I thought I could trust you. Maybe I can't.

I deleted all social media off my phone; so I don't have to worry when I go back home.

I took an Uber to the airport and got on my flight. Bryce has non-stop texting and some of the other guys too. I responded to Jaden telling him I fell asleep. He bought it. I left a small note at the house hoping they would see.

After I got off the plane. I got an uber to my parent's house. I didn't tell them I was coming just wanted to surprise them.

I knock on the door and my dad opens it. "Kio! Honey Kios here!" He yelled for my mom who came from the kitchen.

 "Hey baby," She hugged me.

"Come in," my dad said. I sat on the couch and he sat on the other one.

 "So why are you here? I thought you had LA stuff to do," my dad said. 

"I pushed it aside, and I wanted to come home for a bit," I sighed.

"Okay, well we are glad you're home. Your moms making dinner, so go put your stuff in your room," my dad patted my shoulder and got up to help my mom.

a few days later...

Bryce pov

The boys and I came home from Texas. I haven't heard from Kio at all. I missed him. I know he probably saw the picture of Addison and me. I tried texting him telling him that she kissed me by surprise, but I didn't hear anything from him.

As we walked into the house I walked into the kitchen and saw a note.

dear boys, I'm not dead or anything. I just wanted to say I went home to Washington for a few days. I don't think y'all will see this, but I wrote it just in case. I'll see you in a week.
- Kio. 5/4/2020

Oh, that's where he is. I put the note in my pocket and went to my room. I miss him.

Kios pov

I'm now back at sway and it feels good. I walk into the house and see the boys sitting on the couch. They heard the door open because they turned their heads at me.

I smiled and then I saw Bryce. My smile quickly went away. I walked down to my room and locked my door.

I put my things away, and as I was doing that I heard a knock. 

"Who is it?" I asked loud enough. 

"It's Bryce". I rolled my eyes.

"Go away," I said annoyed. 

"Just let me explain," he sounded like he was begging. I sighed, I know I should hear him out. I got up and opened the door. 

I saw him standing there. 

"Five minutes, explain or leave," I said and moved out of his way.

 "I know you saw that picture." he started, " I just wanted to tell you she kissed me I tried to pull away but she held my hands on her waist." he quickly explained.

"Okay, but another thing is why did you take her to Texas and not me?" I asked. I was kinda hurt that none of them asked if I wanted to go.

"Honestly, we thought you wouldn't have wanted to go. Since you're an introvert ya know? But I promise you and the others can attest to this, she invited herself," he kept eye contact with me. "So are we good?.

 "Yeah, we are.  Now you've got a week of cuddling to make up mister," I said and he smiled.

We flopped on my bed and I was wrapped in his arms. 

" I missed you" he whispered. 

"I missed you more than you know," I said.

He kissed me, it wasn't a lust-filled one. It was soft and passionate. We cuddled for the rest of the night. With the occasional interruption from the boys.

I loved this man.

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