•late nights 3•

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𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬
it's late you should sleep.
Seriously, I've made three of these.


𝐁𝐫𝐲𝐜𝐞 𝐗 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧
Bryce was in his room playing video games on stream. Jaden is downstairs wanting attention from someone. He was a needy person, but that's what everyone loved about him. They all loved giving Jaden attention, he was the baby of the house. Jaden had finished smoking a joint he had a little buzz, and was giggly. Like a little child, He went up to Bryce's room and didn't knock. He opened the door so softly that Bryce didn't notice. He walked over to Bryce and sat on his lap. Bryce wrapped his arms around Jaden and kissed his head. That twitch chat was filled with "awe" comments. "Are you good bub?" He asked after the silence. Jaden nodded, "Yeah, just getting comfy," he whispered. Bryce kissed his head again and went back to playing his game. He loved when Jaden did this, He knew Jaden was high but he didn't care. He loved that boy too much to care.

𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐊𝐢𝐨
Kio sat in his room in his bed, he hadn't moved for the past few hours. He was an introverted person, nobody in the house really cared. Everyone was used to his behavior, he would come out film content, and then go back to his room. Griffin his best friend hadn't noticed because he was too busy with his 'girlfriend' Emily. Kio thought Griffin would notice but he never did. Kio began to come out of his room less and less. He wasn't motivated to do anything, He took a break from posting content. He was thinking about taking a break from life as a whole. Kio knew people would miss him, but the only person that mattered to him was Griffin. Griffin was too busy to care, some bestie he is. Kio eventually stopped talking. Only nodded yes and no, his friend Jaden was the only one paying attention to Kio. He cared, He was jealous of the friendship that Griffin and Kio had. He knew Griffin wasn't good for Kio. Jaden knew he was better, but Kio was oblivious to Jaden's actions.

𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐱 𝐊𝐢𝐨
Kio sat on the pool chair outside tanning. He then felt a shadow cast upon him, "Hey Vinnie," He said softly. "Hey bubba," Vinnie laid on top of Kio. Kio wrapped his arms around him, "You okay bub?" Kio asked completely forgetting about tanning. "Just want to spend time with you," Vinnie mumbled in Kio's chest. Kio loved it when Vinnie would do this; be a complete baby. "Okay, wanna cuddle inside," Kio ran his hand through Vinnie's hair. "No, but let's go swimming," Vinnie got up and grabbed Kio's hand pulling him into the pool. Kio smiled and grabbed Vinnie. They jumped in and swam around. Enjoy each other's presence. Kio was truly happy with the man in front of him. Vincent Cole Hacker. He hoped to spend the rest of his life with him. God was he hot with his rings and when he's just a complete baby. It melted Kio completely.

𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡 𝐱 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲
"Please, Josh!" Anthony begged his best friend. "Why?" Josh whined. "Because I want to," Anthony got on top of Josh. "Fine," Josh groaned and got up with Anthony. They went to the bathroom and set up a phone for TikTok. It was a thirst trap, and they both knew how this was gonna end. They were correct after the TikTok finished Anthony saved it to his drafts and sat on the counter. "Kiss me," He spoke softly. Josh smiled and walked to stand between Anthony's legs. Their faces were inches apart. Anthony moved his head closer and closed the gap. As their lips connected they both mentally smiled. Anthony knew this was only gonna last a few seconds but he enjoyed it. As Josh pulled away Anthony frowned. He knew Josh was always gonna be straight. He left the room and went to his room and flopped on the bed tears running down his face. He knew he was only gonna be a quick kiss or fuck to Josh, he would never be more. Even though they both knew they wanted more.

𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲
Jaden and Anthony were the closest sway boys out of everyone. It helped that they had met a few months before the lights-out tour. They grew even closer on that tour. A little too close, it started with casual flirting. Then it went to a few quick kisses, a hand job here and there. A quick fuck if they could. Somewhere along the way they both caught feelings, but pushed them aside and went to date, other people. After their breakups, they rekindled the nights they would spend together. The internet noticed the hickeys on Jaden even though he and Mads weren't together anymore. They would notice Anthony's slight limp. Anthony came out as gay and then Jaden came out as pan. They got a bunch of support, but the rumors were getting closer and closer to being true. They made it official between them a few months before they went public together. They were both relieved that they could live their truths together.

𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡
"Josh help!" Jaden yelled from his shared room with the boy. "What'd you do now?" Josh groaned. "I'm stuck" Jaden yelled. Josh walked into the room and saw his idiot of a boyfriend with his dick stuck in a water bottle. "How the hell did this happen!"Josh exclaimed. "I greened out and woke up like this," Jaden said and hid his face in embarrassment. "I'm taking it off this one time next time you're on your own," Josh shook his head and got the bottle of lube. He pulled the bottle off and threw it away. "Now let me smoke with you" Josh smiled at Jaden who was rolling a blunt. Jaden giggled and handed Josh the blunt. Josh lit it and inhaled. He blew out the smoke and passed the blunt to Jaden. "I wish my mouth was the bottle on your dick," Josh said and looked at Jaden who was wide-eyed. "Wanna do it now, the boys are gone," Jaden smirked.

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