This Town

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“Where are you guys now?” Min Ho asked Go Eun over the phone.

“At the cafe, we ordered some dessert and I ordered coffee.” Go Eun said excitedly.

“Good drink some coffee, our date is gonna be from dusk to dawn. I found a new park we can visit later. Can’t wait to see you. Can it be 11PM already?” Min Ho whined looking at the clock every 10 minutes.

“Cool it Ahjussi. It’s almost time for us to meet, I’ll make it up to you.” Go Eun said suggestively making Min Ho purse his lips.

“Really? How are you gonna make it up to me?” He asked, trying not to smile by biting his lips.

“Depends on how you behave, I’m going, the food is here. See you later.” She scoffed at his comment.

Go Eun was having a girl's night out with Hyun Been. They had a fun time shopping and just walking around and chatting away. It was 8 PM and their last stop was a cafe they have been meaning to visit. Go Eun had a busy week with shooting and wrapping up some last-minute things for her new movie being released soon. She finally had a few days of free time and within 24hours she was meeting her friend and her boyfriend.

She usually did not drink coffee on her free days but seeing how she was meeting Min Ho after this and at 11 PM she needed the boost. They were engrossed in their conversations when Min Ho texted her saying he was around the area to pick her up and that she should take her time and not rush.

Taking up his suggestion she talked to Hyun Been until it was the closing hours for the cafe, Hyun Been called a taxi and tried to convince Go Eun to do the same but seeing how she said she had someone coming to pick her up, she immediately got the hint.

“Ahhh someone is picking you up huh? Which universe is he coming from.” She teased Go Eun.

“Why are you like this.” Go Eun said, flustered.

“Alright, alright, I won’t tease you too much. You kids better not stay out too late and be careful. See you soon okay!” She said as she got into the taxi.

She texted Min Ho who told her to stay put at the entrance and he will pick her up in a few minutes. Sure enough, he reached within a few minutes, running out of the car to open the door for Go Eun. He took the shopping bags from her and placed them in the backseat and closed the door before running and getting into the car himself.

Go Eun fastened her seat belt and Min Ho caressed her head lovingly, “did you two have fun today?”

“Of course we did, we went to the store we have been meaning to go and bought some sweaters and coats. Ah, I bought this for you.” Go Eun reached out for the bags in the back seat and pulled out a gray zip-up jacket with a simple yellow stripe on both arms of the jacket. “I hope you like it…”

Before she could finish her sentence, Min Ho pulled off the pullover he was wearing, throwing it to the back of the car and wearing the jacket Go Eun bought for him. It fit him perfectly. He sat up and posed with his hands on both sides of his waist.

“How does it look? Do I look better than you imagined I would look like?” Min Ho said, swaying and posing for her.

Go Eun laughed and zipped up his jacket all the way to his neck, “Yes you look much more dashing than I imagined.”

She leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on his lips, before pulling back and smiling at him shyly. His face lit up, flashing his dimple smile, he cupped her face and covered her mouth with his, kissing her slowly and deeply. Loving the sweet and damp taste of her mouth and the way she kissed him back.

The sound of their accelerated breathing echoed in his ears, he pulled back the tiniest bit and saw the euphoric excitement and reciprocal urgency on her face. He slid his arms around her back and pulled her closer, kissing her again.

Go Eun’s phone started ringing, snapping them back to reality, it was Hyun Been calling to probably ask if Go Eun safely got picked up. She received the call and talked to her for a while as Min Ho started to drive towards their destination.

As they got out of the car, Min Ho hung his fanny pack across his torso, making Go Eun laugh. No matter how many timesshe saw it, it never failed to make her laugh. She adjusted her mask as Min Ho reached out his hand to her which she took happily.

It was late and the park was empty, without a single human in sight. Go Eun was glad she wore comfortable clothes and sneakers as it was quite a walk up to the observatory area that overlooked the city and skyline.

Both of them updated each other of their week and what they were up to, apparently both of their teams of staff had dinner together since MYM and BH were within a few blocks away. Both of them were very close to their respective team, not only were they on set with them but they traveled together almost every day whenever they had events or shootings. They covered for both of them various times when they went on dates which led them to become closer within themselves as well.

“Okay, stand there, I want to take a picture of you in the jacket.” Go Eun pointed to a spot a few steps away, instead Min Ho ran down the entire pathway and stood at the end, posing and asking her to take his picture.

Go Eun narrowed her eyes at him, waiting for him to get the hint but he just jumped around before standing still and posing for her. “You’re a fool.” She yelled, whipping out her camera.

“Yeah, a fool for you.” Min Ho retaliated, making Go Eun sigh and snap a few pictures. “I’m done, come back to me.” She waved him over.

He started charging towards her, before reaching her, he jumped onto the railing platform and he jumped down like an excited little child, he was panting as he engulfed her into a hug.

“You know sometimes I don’t understand why you do what you do but I like you. I like you a lot.” Go Eun chuckled at his goofy and odd antics, her comment making Min Ho laugh heartily.

Min Ho pulled back and looked at her face, pushing back her hair and kissing her cheeks, “I like you so much that my heart aches when you’re not with me.” Feeling shy, Go Eun buried her head in his chest.

A 20 minutes hike up to the observatory took them almost an hour but upon reaching the top they were greeted by a beautiful and brilliantly shining overview of the city.

“Wahhhhh!! It’s so pretty and look at the lights flickering.” Go Eun ran to the railing, basking in the magnificent view.

Min Ho followed behind, wrapping his arms around her waist from the back and resting his head on the crown of hers. A mundane and serene moment. They did not need to go on fancy dates nor expensive and wild dates, it was these little moments. These little tranquil and simple dates that they loved so much, remained in their hearts and mind.

All rights reserved Copyright © mikrokosmos713 (previously cityoffandoms-yjn20), 2020.

Do not copy, repost, modify or translate any of my work without permission.

A/N: Thank you for your love and support! It genuinely means a lot to me. Please do leave a comment on your thoughts about the chapter I would love to read it

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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