Chapter 1: I'm the imposter

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I jolt upwards. The last thing I remember is stepping into Nasa's teleporting prototype. I have a red spacesuit on with a nametag that has the word red written on it. I look around to see that other people have different colored hazmat suits on. Some are changing into different suits and putting little things on their heads. I remain in my seat. I catch the eye of a girl in a pink suit. I can't see her face but I'm pretty sure that she's glaring at me. Suddenly, the spaceship that we're on comes to a holt. Someone in a blue space suit walked to the front of the door. 

"Okay," He said in a gruff voice, "Welcome to the Skeld. I am your host, Blue. There are three imposters among us. We don't know who they are, but we do know that they are humans trying to steal information to save their precious race! But will we let them?"

"No!" Everyone said in unison. Blue nodded and opened the door. Suddenly, it all faded away and landed in a circle around a cafeteria table. We all dispersed. The game had begun. I didn't know what to do so I followed Cyan to some sort of engine room. I could have easily sabotaged it and been on my way, but that would make the whole ship blow even before I escaped. I saw that Cyan was doing stuff with an electrical box and then left without taking any notice of me. I quickly went over to the electrical box and disconnected all of the wires with a pocketknife I found in my suit. Then, I started putting them back together so it would look like I was doing something.

"What are you doing?" I turned around to see that Cyan was staring at me, "I just put those together!"

" new update...takes them back apart so that more than one person can put them back together," I said, desperately. Cyan stared at me (or at least I think that he was sharing at me) and ran towards the cafeteria. I tighten my grip on my pocket knife and run after them. I accidentally bumped into purple on the way there. After they pass, I throw the knife at Cyan who falls dead to the ground. It was a gruesome sight. The whole top of their body fell off and a bone was sticking out of the cut part. I quickly reported it before someone saw me. Then, I was suddenly teleported back to the Cafeteria table. 

"Where?" Blue asked me.

"Where?" Pink asked me.

"Where?" Orange asked me.

"Where?" Green asked me. Geez! This is annoying!

"I found dead Cyan in the cafeteria," I said. 

"Any suspicions?" He asked.

"It's Red!" Purple said, "I saw him chasing Cyan through the cafeteria!" My heart skipped a beat.

"No, I didn't!" I said, "I saw you come from the cafeteria! Then, I saw Cyan's body where you came from! I was cutting through the cafeteria to get to my next task!" Purple looked aggravated. 

"Okay, Okay," Blue said, trying to calm everyone down, "Are there any more suspicions other than Purple and Red?" Nobody said anything. We wrote down our votes on a piece of paper. I voted for Purple and then passed my paper into the middle. The paper disintegrated in a metal cup. After we were all done, a hologram flashed from the cup. Purple is being ejected it said. Purple burst into tears as he was being led to the ejection room. Everyone gathered near a window and saw purple's helpless body floating in space. I did feel bad that Purple was ejected, but I had to keep my identity from being uncovered. Words flashed on the window screen.

 Words flashed on the window screen

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Imposter: an Among Us short storyWhere stories live. Discover now