Chapter 6: Sasha is technically a robot

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Against our will, we were all tied up and gagged to chairs. Blue shape-shifted back into a...well...interesting form. He looked like every world leader combined. It's hard to explain.

"Green," He said, "Watch the prisoners. I'm going to respawn all our brothers and sisters, and together, we'll take over this world!"

"But-" Green started to protest.

"STAY HERE!" He said, "I AM YOUR COMMANDER! YOU WILL TAKE ORDERS FROM ME!" Blue walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. I saw that he shape-shifted back into Dr. Paul. Brenda (green) looked sad. A few minutes later she peered out the door, then quickly started to untie us.

"What are you doing?" I asked once my gag was off. 

"I'm sick and tired of taking orders from him!" She said, "I'd rather help you guy than help him! And to be honest, I don't think your race is that bad. I see no reason to destroy it." Once we were all untied, we ran out the door.

"Thanks, Brenda!" Liam said. She stopped him in his tracks.

"Don't ever call me that name, AGAIN!" She said. Liam quickly nodded. We continued down the hallway. Green kicked open a door and we saw Blue sitting in an Admin chair.

"Aren't we supposed to be running away?" Dr. Paul murmured.

"You should've," Blue said, "But it's too late now. I have already respawned my brothers and sisters!" Then, he pulled out a button and pressed it. Green suddenly grabbed all of us and the whole place exploded around us. Then, everything went black after that. 


"Jace? Can you hear me?" I felt a rough tongue licking my face and saw Kelli standing over me. I felt pain in my face and my arm.

"What happened?" I asked. Then, I saw that Beau was the one who was licking me. Kelli was also holding Sasha in her little hamster ball who looked mortified. 

"The headquarters were destroyed," She said, "I wonder how the media will cover this."

"Is everyone alive?" I asked.

"Yeah," She said, "Except, Dr. Paul got so terrified that he wished us good luck and jumped into his half-destroyed car." 

"There you are!" Green said, running towards me. Liam was slung over her shoulder. Green looked like she wasn't affected at all.

"How are you not completely injured like the rest of us?" I asked her.

"Since I'm from another planet, I'm fire-proof," She said, "I was also kind of able to create a temporary shield around you guys when I touched you. It didn't last long at all, but it kept you from dying."

"That's amazing!" I said.

"But that means that Blue survived too," She said.

"Not so amazing," I said. I quickly got to my feet, but my arm throbbed with pain. Kelli looked at it.

"Yep, it's dislocated," She said. Before I could react, she popped it back into place.

"Ah!" I yelled when she did, "I mean, thanks! What's wrong with Liam?"

"I have a broken leg," He said, sounding a little out of it. Suddenly, I saw a bunch of space ships in the sky that looked like the Skeld. 

"We have to take cover!" Green yelled at us, "The respawn is starting!" We ran to a giant piece of green screen that surprisingly wasn't destroyed. 

"What's the plan?" Kelli asked. 

"If we find the source of the bomb that blue used, then maybe we could re-wire it and blow the ships up!" I said.

"That could work," Liam said, "But it would take thousands of bombs to do that!"

"Wait, I do know for a fact that Blue has a device that can control every part of the ships," Green said, "If we can get a hold of it, then we can sabotage the reactor and the O2!"

"Okay," I said, "But how do we get it?" 

"We need a distraction," Green said, "Then, one of us can get it."

"I'll go," I volunteered.

"Jace? Are you sure?" Kelli asked. 

"He'll be fine," Green said, "I just need it to drop and then he can catch it. Plus, Blue has very bad eyesight. So you'll have to be quiet."

"Okay," Kelli said. She seemed unsure.  Green pulled out a device the size of a phone. In fact, I think it was a phone. She pushed a few buttons and Sasha suddenly started following her command.

"How-" Kelli started.

"Well, a hamster from another planet is obviously not going to be normal," Green said. She pressed some buttons and now we could see what Sasha could see. Green looked around for Blue when we finally found him standing on a podium made out of the rubble.

"Okay, go," She said to me. I started to leave, but Kelli caught me by the arm.

"Be careful," She said. Then, to my surprise, kissed me. I could feel myself blushing.

"O-okay," I stuttered. I saw that Green was trying to hide a smile and Liam started to make obnoxious kissing noises. 

"Oh shush it!" She said to them. She walked back to them, letting go of my hand for possibly the last time.

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