Chapter 2: Pink crawls through a vent

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After the meeting, I follow a hallway into an admin room. I silently go over to a card swiper and found an old wallet with a card in it. It must be that card that needs to be swiped. I took it out and swiped it.

I swiped it a little slower this time

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I swiped it a little slower this time.

I was starting to get angry at this point

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I was starting to get angry at this point. I swiped it one more time.

I hit the card swiper with my fist

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I hit the card swiper with my fist.

"You should really think before you act," I turned and saw that Pink had mysteriously walked into admin. I pulled out my pocketknife, but she stopped me. She also pulled out a pocketknife from her suit.

"You're an imposter too?" I asked. She shushed me. She ran out of the room and I followed her to the oxygen room. No one was in there but us. She pushed some buttons on the door and it closed.

"Yeah," She said, "And I kind of sort of knew you were too. Red is always sus." She took off her helmet. She had short, dirty-blond hair with multiple pink streaks running through it. Her face was covered in freckles and she had hazel eyes. I took off my helmet too. My messy, brown hair fell down and I could finally take a big breath of air. She smiled at me.

" you have a name?" Pink asked me. I tried to remember, but I couldn't. All I remembered was that I worked for Nasa and discovered that there was another species living among us. They tried to teleport me there, and everything after that was a blur.

"I don't know," I said.

"Me too," Pink said, "I-" Suddenly, the doors opened and we quickly put our helmets back on. Green was standing there.

"Are you guys okay?" Green asked us.

"Thank goodness!" Pink dramatically said, "The doors finally opened! We've been trapped in there for...minutes!" Green looked at us weirdly.

"Umm...okay," She said, "Thankfully, you two didn't get killed or kill each other. I guess you guys aren't imposters." Green walked away. Pink grabbed my hand and we went to navigation across from oxygen. She closed the door again.

"I forgot that doors only last for a few seconds," Pink said, "We'll go through the vents."

"The what?" I asked.

"The vents," she said, "The other's aren't smart enough to know how to unscrew them and climb in. But we have to be quick about it or we'll get spotted." She ran over to one of the vents and quickly pried it open. Then, she climbed in and signaled me to come too. The door was about to open and I quickly jumped down the vent with her. The vents were bigger than I thought and we could walk side by side and even have extra room.

"So how'd you get here?" I asked her.

"Teleportation," She said, "I worked for Nasa and I was one of their testers."  

"Same!" I said, "How come I've never seen you before?" 

"Well, I know that I've seen you," She said, "But we never worked together in the same field." I noticed that she had a hamster in a ball following her.

"What's with the hamster?" I asked.

"I honestly don't know," She said, "When I teleported, it just appeared next to me. I named him Bob!"

"How do you know it's a boy?" I asked her. Pink picked up the little ball and peaked underneath it.

"I named her Sasha!" She corrected herself.  I could've sworn that the hamster was attracted to Pink's leg in some way possible. It followed her in perfect unison. Soon, we got out of the vents and ended up in the weapons room. Pink suggested that we faked some tasks to make us look less sus. We pretended to use the computer when suddenly, the dead body bell rang. We were teleported back to the cafeteria table. Lime was dead.

"Where?" Blue asked.

"Where?" Pink asked.

"Where?" I chimed in.

"Black!" Orange exclaimed, "I saw him vent!" All of our focus turned to Black. 

"I didn't do it!" He said, "I came out before Lime died!"

"Well before purple was ejected, she did say that Red was sus," Yellow said, pointing at me.

"No!" Pink said, "I was with Red this whole time and he didn't do anything!"

"She's telling the truth," Green said, "They got stuck in O2 together and both came out alive."  Blue nodded.

"Anyone else sus?" Blue asked.

"What about you?" Yellow said, pointing to Blue, "You haven't reported anybody sus or reported any bodies."

"Yeah, but I wasn't over there!" Blue said.

"And I didn't see him over there," Orange said.

"He could have vented," I suggested.

"True," Orange said, "But I still think it's black."

"Ya know, you could've self-reported," Pink said, "Since black said that he ran out of there before Lime was murdered." Then, papers appeared in front of us. I wrote down my vote for Orange and placed it in the middle of the table. The votes were tallied up and a hologram flashed.

 The votes were tallied up and a hologram flashed

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Imposter: an Among Us short storyWhere stories live. Discover now