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Three years ago to this day, Green had sacrificed herself to save the earth. Months later, a company named Innersloth released a new version of their game Among Us (not knowing it was based on true events). When we finally convinced Dr. Paul that Blue was finally dead, he kind of sorta bribed us to keep everything that went down a secret which we agreed to. I got to keep Beau and Kelli got to keep Sasha. The media tried to cover up the fact that Nasa exploded and said that the building going to re-design the place and had just demolished it. I now live in a modern apartment house in Manhattan New York near Kelli. Liam continued to work for Nasa as Dr. Paul's assistant and Kelli is working for the empire state building as an accountant. I still work for Nasa too, but I am allowed to stay home and work on designs for future space shuttles and ships. I didn't see Kelli that often, but we were supposed to fly down to Texas to visit Liam. So naturally, I had waited the last minute to pack and get dressed.

"Mia?" I called to my housekeeper, "Is the laundry done?" Mia came rushing into my dressing room with her eyes closed (even though I wasn't even naked), bumping into walls. She was a former Nasa worker who wanted to retire into house-cleaning. She was extremely good at it too. 

"Yes, sir," She said, putting a basket of clothes on the floor, "Do you want me to start packing your essentials?" 

"Sure, if it's not any trouble," I said. I sifted through the basket of clothes and put on my outfit. Then, I walked out to my bedroom to see that my suitcase was half packed and Mia was rushing to get a few more t-shirts. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Beau got up and started barking. I ran to get it. Kelli was standing there in the doorway. She had a yellow summer dress on and her streaks of pink were starting to fade.

"Hey, Beau!" She said, getting down on her knees.

"Hi," I said. 

"Hi," She responded. Then, Mia came running into the foyer with my suitcase in hand.

"Don't mind me," She said. She handed me my suitcase and quickly left.

"So..." I said, "You wanna...grab a bite when we get there? We'll probably have some time to spare."

"Are you asking me out on a date?" She asked, smirking.

"Well...I..." I didn't know what I was saying. It sounded a lot better in my head.

"Yeah," I said, "I guess it is a date."

"Then, sure!" She said.


"Was it worth a three-year wait?" I asked Kelli while we were on the bus to Nasa. We had gotten lunch together at a small cafe downtown.

"Yes," She said, smiling, "It was the best first date I've ever imagined!" When we finally got down to Nasa, we saw Liam waiting outside. For some reason, I could feel Green's presence here, like she was still alive watching over us.

"There you are!" He said, running up to greet us, "I missed you guys!" We all came together in a group hug.

"I like the new place!" I said.

"I'm about to show you the best part!" He said eagerly. We walked inside and he showed us down the halls until we finally came upon a small room on the far side of the building.

"I convinced the construction workers to leave this spot untouched." He opened the door. I saw that the ceiling was glass and there was a giant space cleared out filled with grass and flowers. 

"Oh my gosh!" Kelli gasped, "This is beautiful!" In the place where she exactly died, stood a headstone that said:

No matter what, Green will always be among us.

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