Chapter 4: The reactor "broke"

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"Where?" Blue asked.

"Where?" Green asked.

"It was in the Cafeteria." Yellow said, "And I saw Black shoot him!"

"I didn't!" Black said, trying to defend himself. But it was no use. Everyone believed in yellow. The only thing Pink and I could do was vote for Black to raise the suspicion from us. We passed our votes in. Black was going to be ejected. 

"Red, Pink, eject him please," Blue said. We took Black's arms and walked him to the ejection room.

"Red, Pink, listen to me," Black said, "I am going to be fine. I have my stone with me and I can make it back to earth safely. You need to create a distraction to get out of here."

"Okay," I said. Pink and I put him in the ejector. He waved to us as Pink slowly pushed the button. He had been ejected. Cheers from the cafeteria erupted. I guess they found out that Black was one of the imposters. Pink and I walked to security together.

"I didn't get the sample in time," Pink said with a sigh, "We're going to have to kill somebody." Then, coincidently, yellow walked into security too. They had a little blue dog with one eye next to them. The small thing could probably fit in my hand. I was about to stop Pink since I didn't want the pet to suffer, but she slammed yellow against the wall.

"THIS IS FOR RATTING OUT OUR FRIEND!" She yelled. Luckily, I closed the door in time. Pink stabbed Yellow to death. Then, yellow's dog let out a howl. I quickly scooped up the dog and Pink and I vented as soon as possible. We landed a little closer than comfortable. 

"Do ya mind?" She asked, breaking the tension between us. The dog was still barking, probably louder than before.

"Can you shut that thing off?" She asked me. The dog was barking uncontrollably. Sasha suddenly squeaked a few times. The dog stopped barking and started wagging his tail at the hamster.

"I'm gonna name him Beau!" I said. Pink glared at me. 

"Wow." She said, "I guess that just happened." I could tell pink was looking for something. Finally, we got to a vent opening and Pink punched open a side panel and pressed a few buttons. Suddenly,  a giant alarm went off. 

"What did you do?" I asked her.

" sorta sabotaged the reactors," She said shrugging, "This ship is going to blow in thirty seconds if the crewmates don't do anything about it."

"WHAT!?" I yelled at her. She quickly pulled out her stone and I pulled out mine. Beau cuddled my leg.

"I think he wants to come," She said. I picked up Beau. Pink and I both stood facing each other.

"Back to earth?" I asked.

"Back to earth." She said, smiling. Any second now, the ship was going to explode. There was no time to waste. I closed my hand around my stone. Suddenly, the Skeld disappeared around us.

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