Chapter 3: We find our next imposter

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"Black's the other imposter!" Pink said to me later.

"What?" I asked her. I was fake doing a task and spilling oil all over the place. 

"Think about it!" She said, "He was the last one with lime, and even though he lied it was very obvious that he was the imposter."

"So we just confront him?" I asked. Pink ran to admin.

"He is in security," She said when she came back, "Maybe we can trap him in there and escape through the vents." I nodded and we ran to security. Black was in there looking at the cams. We walked in and closed the door behind us. Black turned and saw us. He quickly pulled out a gun and a knife. 

"Wait!" I said, "We're imposters too!" Me and pink pulled out or knives to show him.

"Thank goodness!" He said, putting away his weapons. The doors started to open again. Pink quickly grabbed Black and we jumped down the vent. We were all able to walk side by side without any trouble.

"Ah, so you two are the other imposters," Black said, "Ya know, I suspected red. But Pink? Ha! Innocent looks good on you!" Then he saw Pink's hamster, "Nice hamster."

"Okay, now that we're all here, we need to form an escape plan," I said.

"I already have one!" Black exclaimed. We stared at him.

"You do?" I asked, "What is it?"

"Well, I don't know if I'm right or not," Black said, "But I've noticed that no matter what, we all end up in the cafeteria when a meeting is called. So whatever makes us teleport like that, must be underneath the main cafeteria table. So there must be a teleportation device underneath!"

"That doesn't sound half bad," Pink said, "But we have to figure out how to kill off all of these creatures. We need to get a sample of their DNA."

"But how?" Black asked.

"By killing one?" I suggested, "I've noticed that when one gets killed, the body gets cut in half or something. All we have to do is find something to put the guts in." 

"There's a bunch of test tubes in medbay," Pink said, "We could probably snatch some of them."

"Okay, we should probably split up," Black said, "Pink since you know where the test tubes are, you can go to medbay and get the test tubes. You also might need to get a few other samples from the fuel engines so that Nasa can research on how to take down the ships once we get back to Earth. Red and I will start stripping the teleportation. Pink, meet us in the cafeteria after you get the test tubes. If u see any one by themselves, kill them and get the sample." 

"Okay," I said, "Let's do this."


Black and I went to the cafeteria to try and find the source of the teleportation. We suspected it would be underneath the emergency meeting button. 

"Ya got it yet?" Black asked me. He was doing a lookout just in case someone walked inside of the Cafeteria.

"No," I said, "This thing is really-"

"Someone's coming!" Black said. I quickly put the cap on top of the button and started to run around the cafeteria while black did the same. Orange stared at us strangely. 

"Umm...okay," He said, "Imma just go to medbay." He quickly turned and headed towards medbay. I turned to Black.

"What about pink?" I asked him. He looked nervous.

"I think she can take care of herself," He said, "Plus, it'll save us an extra step. She'll probably kill orange and vent her way out to get some fuel." I nodded and continued to pry open the button. When I finally got it opened, I found some wires connecting to ten small stones. Three of them were cracked and useless. Purple, Cyan, and Lime.

"I found it!" I said. Black looked into the inside of the button. He then took out a small piece of Cyan's rock. He put it in his hands and closed his eyes. Nothing happened. 

"I think we have to use our own stones," Black said. He disconnected the black, red, and pink stone. He handed me the red stone and the pink stone. Suddenly, pink came rushing in with test tubes in her hands and orange on her tail. We quickly ran away with her.

"Quick! shoot him!" She yelled at Black before the doors closed.


"JUST SHOOT HIM!" Black quickly loaded his gun and shot. We stood there in silence for a moment. Then, the worst happened. The dead body alarm went off.

Imposter: an Among Us short storyWhere stories live. Discover now