Chapter 5: Tying up loose ends...sorta

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"And that's what happens when the imposters win!" I woke up in a hospital bed in some sort of laboratory. I wasn't in my spacesuit anymore, I was in a blue Nasa jumpsuit. I looked over to see that there was a girl in the same jumpsuit who was still sleeping. She had short, dirty-blond hair with multiple pink streaks running through it. Her face was covered in freckles and she had hazel eyes.

"Well done, doctor!" A woman said to the man, "I will make sure that this will be very successful!"

"Also," The doctor continued, "Could you please leave Nasa's name out of this?" 

"Of course!" She said, "It'll be our little secret!" She and some bodyguards walked out of the room. Then, the doctor caught my eye.

"Good! You're awake!" The doctor said, coming over to me, "My name is Dr. Paul and you, my boy have done an excellent job!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked. Suddenly, the girl woke up too.

"Where am I?" She asked, "I had the weirdest dream!" There were aliens! And blood! And-is that my hamster?" Then, it clicked. I remembered who she was, I remembered who I was, I remembered my life and where I lived, and what I was doing.

"Pink?" I asked her.

"Red?" She asked with a puzzled look on her face, "You were in my dream!"

"Actually," Another voice said, "It wasn't a dream." He sounded familiar. He was around my age and had pitch-black hair with dark blue eyes and dark, olive skin.

"Black?" Pink asked.

"Yes," Black said, "My name is actually Liam. Do you guys remember your names?"

"I'm...Jace," I said.

"Um..." Pink hesitated, "I'm...Kelli"

"Excellent!" Dr. Paul said, "You two were selected to go through a virtual simulator for a new game! You actually were knocked out for a few minutes and placed into a virtual set piece."

"So we didn't actually teleport?" I asked.

"Of course not!" He said, "We humans can't figure out teleportation!" He said humans like it was an insult. I saw that on the other side of the lab, there was a giant set made entirely out of green screen.

"I'll have to answer more questions later. But for now, I'll have someone escort you back to your living spaces."

"You mean houses?" Liam murmured to him.

"Yeah, sure," The doctor said. A lady in a white coat motioned us to the door. Her name tag said, Brenda. She also had Sasha in her cage. For some reason, I had an unsettling feeling inside that just didn't seem right. Then, the lady stopped to go into a room. When she came back out, she had a small German shepherd.

"Beau?" I asked. The dog barked at its name. I got down on my knees and started petting him. Then I remembered that before I did the project with Nasa, I had just rescued a German Shepherd. And he was actually named Beau when I got him. For some reason, I could hear muffled shouts from another room. I looked at Kelli who also looked confused.

"What's tha-" I started to say, but Kelli already started booking it down the hallway. I followed her and Brenda chasing me. Kelli pulled the door open. Inside was Dr. Paul tired up in a chair.

"Wait, Dr. Paul?" I asked, "Weren't you just-"

"Thank goodness you two are alive!" He yelled once Kelli undid his gag and worked on untying the ropes, "You two could've died! These things! They changed form! And-and they captured me! And-THAT'S ONE OF THEM!" He pointed to Brenda. 

"No!" She said, "It's not what you think!" That voice, it sounded familiar. 

"Green?" Kelli asked, "If you're green, and Dr. Paul is here and yelling a bunch of crazy stuff, then who is-"

"It's me." We turned to see Dr. Paul (fake Dr. Paul) standing in the doorway with a knife against Liam's neck. Then it clicked. The fake Dr. Paul lied. We actually did teleport. The fake Dr. Paul was Blue.

Imposter: an Among Us short storyWhere stories live. Discover now