Black Spats

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Mako set the bowl of miso soup in front of Wu, appreciating the little squeak of joy from the to-be-King. Mako rounded the table, sitting opposite and watching as Wu dug into the food, picking from the variety of side dishes. It was almost grotesque, almost awe inspiring the way the man inhaled.

Wu paused, chopsticks to his mouth. "A-are you not going to-?"

Mako blinked, sitting straight. "Of course I am."

He ducked his head to his own soup, hiding his flush. Caught staring again.

Mako wasn't sure when his worry over Wu's health had transformed into a habit of just... looking. It was interesting. Mako knew he'd always been an observer, it's why police and detective work suited him so well. It's how he and his brother had survived homelessness. You don't live the life they had without learning to watch people, track their habits, movements. Made the gang work relatively easy too.

Well. Mako smiled into the dashi stock. Not for Bolin. Grin wilted as his chest tightened, spoon stirred the chunks of tofu faster.

He missed his brother. They had been together through everything and now... Eyes slipped up again to see Wu turned around in his seat, staring out the window at the budding trees around them.

Over a year. Frown tightened.

The letters had dwindled - not that Korra had ever written back. The postcards from Bolin. Even Asami's occasional call with promises of 'hanging out soon' had ceased. Mako shook himself, taking a large bite.

"You know," he wasn't sure why he was starting the conversation but the silence felt... oppressive now. Wu tilted his head towards Mako without turning around. "For all those fancy restaurants you like so much, you sure do inhale this simple stuff." Mako motioned to their modest spread.

Wu turned then, eyes large and earnest. "You're a good cook, Mako." Gaze fell to his empty dishes still spread around him. "It reminds me of home." He caught Mako's gaze again, smiling a sad little thing. "I guess it's because you grew up in the Earth Kingdom, maybe?"

The fire bender inhaled a little too sharply, coughing as he banged on his chest to clear his airway. He could feel the heat rising in his stomach again. "I-I-"

"I mean it." Wu's hands spread in innocence. "I ordered the groceries to be delivered here for a reason." Wu frowned, lip jutting out in his trademark pout. "I guess I never took into consideration if you enjoyed the cooking though." Shoulder dropped. "Guess that's another privileged wealthy habit I should break?"

Grinning. Always grinning. Mako took a violent bite of rice, annoyed at the masking he could now recognize. "I enjoy cooking." The words were hesitant, careful. How much do I reveal? " I cooked a lot for my brother and myself growing up."

Mako felt the tension between them heighten, again the careful stillness of fragility bloomed. Mako felt his throat closing up, hands folding in on themselves tighter.

"It reminds me of-" Mako swallowed hard, standing. He couldn't do it. He couldn't force himself to be vulnerable with Wu. "I'll clean up."

"Nonsense." Wu followed suit, for once not in his bathrobe, wearing a pair of slacks and loose shirt.

Mako wouldn't admit it out loud, but seeing the prince dressed and bathed on his own willpower was a relief he didn't quite understand. He sat again, watching Wu move around the table.

"You cooked." Wu explained, gathering his empty dishes, reaching for Mako's. "I can clean."

Mako snorted, watching Wu move to the sink in the kitchenette. "Cleaning for you is rinsing stuff off and leaving it for the maids." He laughed at Wu's rising blush.

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