Sabastian x neko reader x Claude

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Y/N's Pov                                                                                                                                                                                       I was wandering around my new master's manor confused as hell. The head butler of the manor was explaining to me my duties for the day and was giving me a tour around so I could learn my way. But then I got distracted. "Oh curse my lousy attention span!" I pouted as I walked around another corner. It felt like I had been walking for days now this manor was huge and had so many random passages. I tried remembering where I had been before but kept failing. Ugh, this is so dumb I thought as I opened a door. I blinked rapidly in awe I had found my way outside into the manor's gorgeous garden. I walked deeper into the garden stopping every once and a while to smell the beautiful roses. I got down on all fours when I saw a butterfly. I waged my butt in the air my tail swishing back and forth viciously as I got ready to pounce. I was a rare type of being that the humans decided to call a Neko, I had fluffy (f/c) and a poofy tail the same color and if I wanted to I could have claws but they made me rip through everything so I kept them on the down-low. I ran around the garden chasing the butterfly forgetting completely about being lost.

Sebastian's pov                                                                                                                                                                      I had lost track of (y/n) completely. I sighed as I rubbed my temple. This little kitten is going to be a handful I thought as I made my way towards my lord's study. We had a guest coming over later for tea and to discuss a new task the queen had assigned to us. I walked in, bowing I said "Excuse the interruption, my Lord I'm here to inform you that our guest will be arriving shortly" I looked up at him to receive a tsk followed by "And the new maid? Is she situated yet?" "Sadly no my lord she seems to have misplaced herself" I responded. "How did that happen?" he said with an annoyed tone. "Well, I was..." he interrupted me before I could finish, "I need her in working condition by this afternoon we can't have her lost in the manor when the guest arrives," he stated while pinching his nose. "Yes my lord" I bowed and headed out the door wondering where that little kitten had disappeared to. I had been looking all over the manor for the little kitten but it seems like she's one step ahead of me. "Come on kitten I don't have time for this" I sighed as I made my way to the kitchen to get everything ready for tonight. Really kitten where have you gone, the master is going to be furious if I don't find you I thought as I prepared some snacks and desserts for this evening. A knock on the front door brought me out of my cooking trance. I brushed myself off and headed for the door wanting to great our guest. I strained a smile and a look of disgust when I saw a certain spider standing in front of me. "Welcome to the Phantomhive manor," I stated with my famous closed-eyed smile "if you will kindly follow me to the game room my master is waiting for us." The blond fair-skinned boy that the retched spider was with skipped in front of me as I lead them towards the game room. I opened the door and bowed towards my master. "My lord our guest has arrived," I said stiffly still wary of the spider lurking behind me. "yes thank you, Sebastian, now will you tell (y/n) to bring us our tea" he stated with a bored expression. Shoot I thought "About that master I still have yet to locate our dear (y/n)" I gave him a goofy smile while scratching the side of my face with my figure. He pinched the bridge of his nose "Sebastion you have to be kidding me go find her now it shouldn't take you so long to find her" his voice was filled with annoyance. The boy sitting across from my master spoke giddily "My my Phantomhive seems like your dog isn't quite good at following orders" he smiled and my master while his finger came up to point at the spider behind him "unlike my Clude here how about I lend him to you so that this task is done efficiently~" My master scoffed then smirked, "How about we make this a game Trancy, whichever one of our butlers finds my new maid (y/n) first wins." "I'm in Phantomhive but what do I get once my dear Claude wins this little game of yours~" lord Trancy replied. I saw my master's face turn quizzical as he thought up a reward. After a few seconds, he spoke "I'll give you my new maid" I froze and looked over at him he can't be serious. "Now why would I want your maid Phantomhive?" Lord Trancy asked confused. "Well (y/n) is a special type of being that isn't easy to catch and very rear to find" he explained to the confused lord. "How so?" Trancy asked very much confused about my master's offer. "She's a Neko a half-human half-cat mutation she's stunning to behold and has plenty of skills and power" my lord finished explaining to the now very intrigued Trancy boy. "I'll accept your offer Phantomhive~" Trancy cooed at my lord. "Let the games begin," my master looked at me with adrenaline in his eye "now Sebastian fetch." I grimaced at the word but bowed anyway my eyes flashing Fushia "Yes my lord." I heard the Trancy boy speak "Now Claude bring me my prize~" "Yes you highness." With that, we both bolted out of the room in search of my darling kitten. I wasn't going to allow them to take her from me. Where are you my precious kitten I thought as I ran through the halls of the manor. 

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