William T. Spears

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"UGHHHHHHHHHH" I groaned as I stretched back in my chair the overtime that I had been asked to take on by William, more like forced into, was kicking my ass. I was so tired and so ready for a nice relaxing warm bath surrounded by my favorite lavender-scented candles and with a nice romance or mystery novel.  "I just really want to go home" I wined out not caring if anyone heard. I had gotten a lot of Grell's work because she had been off playing dress up in the mortal realm leaving the rest of us cleaning up after her. I had slumped down in my chair and was now in the process of trying to get out of the rest of my work by "gently" banging my head against the table. While in the process of trying to knock myself out I heard someone clear their throat in front of me. I jumped up in my seat startled at the fact that someone was in my office. As my head shot up from my desk I saw the one and only William T. Spears the reason for all my overtime. Honestly, I sometimes think this man hates me because I always seem to be the one getting a lot more overtime than all the rest.  "Hello, William is there something you needed?" I said moving a strand of hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear, a light tint of pink dusted my cheeks from embarrassment. I can't believe I was just caught doing that by William of all people I would have been fine it had been anyone other than him. He looked down at me with a bit of a worried expression on his face but I'm pretty sure that was just my imagination he always has a cold-focused expression so it is hard to see him with any other type. "Are you ok y/n?" he said after clearing his throat once more and pushing up his glasses a bit. "Yeah I'm fine just a little tired from all the work," that you had assigned me I thought, I said a small shy smile creeping onto my face. 

William's Pov~

"Well umm ugh," I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand. I had never had difficulty speaking or looking people in the face while trying to tell them something, but right now the words felt trapped inside my throat my mouth felt dry and I couldn't keep my eyes on hers. The warm flush of red that rapidly coated my cheeks surprised me. I cleared my throat once again trying to regain some confidence before continuing "if you aren't busy Friday night," my eyes met hers if only for a while making the red dusting my cheeks grow brighter her beautiful eyes trapped me keeping me holding me captive making me want to hold her close and just stare into those beautiful eyes of hers till I forgot the world around me, compose yourself William come on now you can get through this, "I would like to invite you to dinner at my place to make up for all the overtime I put you through." I looked back at her my hand fidgeting with my suit in anticipation. 

Y/N's pov~

I was so shocked. Did William just ask me on a date? No way that's not possible I shouldn't read so much into this he just wants to apologize for all the work he's been giving me yeah that's all it is there's no way he would just ask me out, I mean it is the cold-hearted William the one that never smiles. All types of thoughts were swirling around my head like a rampaging tornado, it was making my head spin. The spinning only stopped when William asked sorta shy "So what do you think?" "Umm," I was still so lost and confused about what was happening right now but I didn't have anything planned for Friday night just another boring night curled up with a book, "yeah I have nothing going on Friday night anyway so I'd be happy to join you for dinner." I gave him a close-eyed smile. "T-t-that's great I'll pick you up from your place around eight pm," I swear he sounded like a little kid that was just given a puppy for his birthday. I giggled "Yeah see you at eight Friday night." He turned around walking out of my office. What I felt at that moment I didn't quite understand but I was excited I've never seen him outside of work. I wonder what he's like, I thought as I leaned back in my chair. 

~Time skip brought to you by your lazy author and her new pet snake XD~

Y/N's Pov~

The feeling of butterflies in my stomach overwhelming I couldn't concentrate on anything all day. It seemed to have gotten worst the second I had arrived home. I ended up stressing out over what to wear to dinner and how to do my dam hair. Honestly wished I had a personal hairstylist, I eventually ended up calling up Grell and forcing her to help me pushing the fact that I had gotten stuck with her work and she owed me big time. Grell had the best fashion sense out of all the girls in the office but honestly what she choose may have been a little much in my opinion. It was an elegant yet sexy little number the straps hug low on the arms with light ruffles on them, they came down to met with the corset that was shaping my body in such a way that it influenced my natural curves while also making it so that a good portion of anyone who saw me would be focused on my girls, the red made my skin pop drawing more attention towards me, the skirt was a light layered tulle skirt that started off red and slowly faded into burgundy and finally a flattering black at the end. Grell had also told me to leave my hair loose that it really made me look hot and less like a stick in the mud. I sighed it was almost eight I shoved my feet into my favorite shows and headed out of the house. As I was opening the door to leave, I saw William standing right outside just about to knock on my door. I blushed at the sight of him, I always saw him in a suit but this was different from his workwear he seemed more relaxed in it his hair was different to it wasn't done up neatly like always it was just left alone no type of fixing. He brushed his hair back with his hand and smiled at me. He held his other hand out to me "Shall we go the food might get cold if we stay standing like this staring at each other," I blinked a couple of times forgetting what I was about to do. Slowly it all came back to me and I took his hand "Yeah let's go." I smiled at him before turning around and locking my door. 

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