Stressed Aizawa X Neko reader

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I walked around the apartment clumsily, trying to avoid the obstacles all over the place. "Mother....." I bit my lip before I finished cursing. My side had collided with the corner of the dining room table and my pinky toe with the leg. I held my side and took a couple of deep breaths while trying to look for a chair. I was continually getting hurt if I wasn't running into corners, I was smacking my head against closed doors and tripping over Zawa and I's cat Zeus, or getting my tail stuck between the cupboards or closing the door on it. The reason for all of my suffering was due to my super amazing yet super impractical quirk called sight. Sight basically allowed me to see any living thing's future, past, and present. All the possible futures and past that the thing can have or could've had. I can see all of their movements, all of their thoughts, all of their body functions, and everything their quirk can do along with telling me if they were using quirk enhancement drugs. I could read any living thing like a book and all I had to do was be near them. The downside is, my quirk makes me blind the upside being that for the time I am using it I can see everything. My friends and family describe my eyes as if they had constant thick fog rolling through them or a very strong yet beautiful storm. I can only see when I am gazing into a living thing's future/past/present. I'm blind if I'm not looking into something's life but I can't constantly be looking into people's lives one because there's not always someone around and two because it actually gives me a hell of a migraine when I use my quirk too much. I waved my arm around a little longer before I found a chair. I sat at the table with my head in my hands hating everything for a moment. Zawa and I have been dating for about 6 years now. I had moved in with him during our third year together because he didn't want me to get seriously injured one day and him not know. It took me quite a while to memorize the layout of his old apartment and once I had finally gotten it fully memorized we had to move into the UA dorms with the students. Now I was having difficulty finding my way around this place. My head shot up and my quirk activated at the same time as I heard a chuckle. My quirk lets me know when someone is around me by making the hair on the back of my neck stand on end but I don't always pay attention to it when I'm angry. Clear as day the sleep-deprived purple-haired boy stood at the end of the table laughing at my misery. I shot him a death glare and then a soft smile. "Hello, Shinso it's nice to see you again," I said as I was taking in all the information my quirk was throwing at me. I made sure to take note of everything in the room so that I would maybe stop running into them. Shinso waited till I had deactivated my quirk to speak, not wanting to break my focus. He knew it was hard for me to do things especially with Zawa being stormed with work and not being able to help me memorize where everything is. "Hey, Y/N it's nice to see you too. How's it going?"  he said sounding a bit concerned. I pouted over to where I knew he was going to be as he finished his greeting "How you think it's going." I sighed and put my head down on the table. I heard him chuckle again at my defeated state. "You're a great combat teacher but not such a great anything else." Zawa had been training with Shinso for a while now and due to his recent increase in work, I had taken over combat training. Due to my quirk, it was difficult for him to win against me. I growled at him "It's not my fault I can't see crap without someone being around me" I pouted once I was done with my mini tantrum. Zawa had been so busy with his teaching job and helping the Night Eye agency and the police department that he was hardly ever home. He tried to make it so that someone was always with me but that wasn't possible. So I had to manage on my own I could hardly cook and clean without injuring myself in some way. The ones that were around me whenever they had time were Hizashi and Shinso. Hizashi was usually always here during lunch and during times when he didn't have class, he'd help me cook, and then he'd jam out while I cleaned the apartment. Shinso was here after he got out of school to get better at fighting and help me do my paperwork. I wasn't allowed in the field due to an accident that happened a while ago but the police department would contact me every once in a while to interrogate people. Zawa would usually get here in the dead of night when I was sound asleep on the couch in an attempt to wait for him. I sighed again and got up while Shinso grabbed my hand to lead me to the living room. I activated my quirk again and took a good look around the apartment. When I was touching someone my quirk became stronger and I had a wider view of everything. It was as if I was seeing through their eyes. It was the only reason I knew how I looked like. We sat down in the living room and Shinso worked on his schoolwork while I activated and deactivated my quirk to learn my way around the living room. The apartment was filled with the soft laughs of the purple-haired insomniac looking boy and me trying so hard not to throw something or someone out the window every time I hit something. "uuuuugggggh," I groaned out as I slumped onto the comfy couch "I quite that's it I'm done this is too much work..." I trailed off as I slumped further down onto the ground. Shinso just chuckled and finished packing up his stuff to head back to his dorm. I groaned again and activated my quirk to know the dam time, I could already feel the migraine creeping in. It was already midnight he had stayed longer to help me out. I smiled and got up and went over to the kitchen to give him his phone which he had left. I grabbed it and went towards the door where Shinso was already smacking his sides to locate his device. I gently bonked him on the head with it and giggled "here dummy." "Thanks y/n. Goodnight." He waved and started his way to his dorm. 

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