I'll protect you

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I peeked around the corner to make sure no one was around. A sigh of relief escaped my lips when I didn't see anyone. I made my way towards the doors of UA, I put my hoodie up to make sure if there was somebody they wouldn't realize it was me. I hated being around people, they made me anxious. I walked through the halls with my head down. Life turned the day I developed my quirk, I wasn't popular with the kids in my class, to begin with, and that day the few friends I did have left me. Shadow manipulation, an evil quirk, or that's what I have always heard from everyone around me family, friends, strangers. I had developed my father's quirk, a villain's quirk. I couldn't make friends for if they didn't fear me they wanted me dead. I sat down in the corner of the stairwell that wasn't really used by anyone at school. I wanted to prove them all wrong, but god was it difficult. The day the school had us move into dorms made my life even worse. I couldn't get a break from my bullies. Another sigh escaped me as I waited for the only person in my life that I was good enough for to show up. 

Shinso's pov                                                                                                                                                                              I smirked when I saw y/n sitting in the corner. Her life was just like mine people believed she was a villain or that she would become a villain. Nobody thought she was good enough, nobody wanted her. Except for me, I loved her she was my whole world. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arm around her pulling her towards me. I pulled back her hood and kissed her head. "Hello lovely~" I whispered in her ear. She looked up at me and smiled, a smile only I ever saw. I wish I could see it all the time but it's hard for her. We talked for a while till the bell rang for us to head to class. UA managed to add another hero course this year and was able to transfer students that didn't get in last year to it. I had made it into class 1-B. I dropped her off at her class and headed over to mine. I was always saddened when I dropped her off the people in her class weren't exactly friendly with her. 

~time skip~

y/n's pov                                                                                                                                                                                     My back slammed against the bathroom wall, knocking the air out of me. "ugh" I fell to the floor and held my stomach. "Come on villain you can do better than that? Get up you filth!" she exclaimed as she gripped my hair and forced me up. "Leave me alone" I coughed out. I hadn't done anything to them. I just wanted to use the restroom in peace. "A villain like you shouldn't have been allowed into this school!" "They should throw you in jail where you belong before you can harm anyone!" "Nobody wants you around! Your just bad luck!" "Your just a waste of space!" "I don't understand why your mother fell for a villain. Well, I guess she got what she deserved in the end. Didn't she villain?" "The funny thing is she doesn't even see that the boy that's always around her doesn't really like her she just feels bad for her." "He's probably still with her because he's using her I mean the only reason he'd be with her is if she let her fuck the first time they met." The four girls yelled at me while they kicked me. After a while, they got bored and left me on the bathroom floor in tears. I couldn't take it anymore. It hurt, I was only treated this way because of my stupid father that I didn't even know. I got up shakily and bolted out of the bathroom and towards the dorms. Nobody cared about me, nobody loved me, nobody wanted me, I wasn't supposed to be born into this world. I slammed my door shut and headed over to the curtains pulling them closed. I sat there in the darkness crying. This world is so cruel to someone who has done nothing wrong.

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