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I wake up because of the sunlight coming in my room through the window. I go out of my comfy and warm bed and wash my face, brush my hair and decide what clothes I should wear. I put on a big light blue shirt, that I let hang over my dark blue pants. I tie my hair into a ponytail, I check the time: 8 AM. I'm not late, I'm not early. This is the perfect time. I tidy my room a little and open the door as I feel something banging into it. "Tch watch out when you open the door." I know this voice, I pass my head between the door and the wall and watch my favorite pumpkin head taking his hat from the floor. "Nakahara-san, excuse me. I should've watched first..." I go out my apartment and close the door. "It's okay, I shouldn't walk close to the walls. And you can call me Chuuya it's fine." He says while we walk in direction of the cefeteria.

I have to admit that Chuuya is super attractive. Yes, he is ten centimeters smaller than me but I think it doesn't matter, even tho I'm sure he would get mad if I told him about it. The male opens the door and lets me in, I thank him with my head. I see Dazai eating peacefully while reading a book so I decide to go and sit next to him since I don't know anyone else here. "Hey Osamu-san, can I sit here ?" He marks the page of his book <The great guide of suicide>, looks at me and responds: "Oh June, of course take a seat, I didn't recognize your voice. And please please please call me Dazai." I nod and sit down. I ask him if I can check his book and he nods quietly. I open a random page and read: <Hanging is a great way to commit suicide. Here is how to do a hanging knot.> With a schema of of to do it. "It's a nice book. I read it three times already." Dazai explains. I chuckle and respond: "Have you tried every method ?" "No, not every method is appropriate for every body. For example, look." He opens a page. "The starving method is slow and painful. I like suicide, not torture ! So I haven't tried this one."

I look carefully at the page and nod. "I see... And may I ask why you want to die ?" He looks up, deep in thoughts. "Because do you think there is any valuable reasons to keep on living ? I don't think there is. Life is not something valuable, if humans or living beings can loose life easily, like just because of a knife or because of a virus, then it means that in nature, it's not important. We all die at some point, and still people are scared to die. Scared of the unknown. I think it's the fact that we don't know anything about death that makes it exciting. Don't you think the same way ?" I look at him, straight into the eyes. "Of course I do. Who do you think I am ? Scared of death...? Honestly I can't wait to die but I want to continue on living while I'm young and have plenty of energy. I think I want to die before my fiftieth, so I don't experience old age and weakness too much." He stands up, his eyes wide open. Did I say something wrong ? He takes my hand and drags me out of the cafeteria. He checks if anyone is around, I do too, there's nobody here. I wait for him to talk, he is still holding my hand but I think I can't do much except accept my punishment for the wrong things I said.

"June... were you serious ?" I sigh. Now is not the time for regrets. "I obviously was. And I still think the same. What is the meaning of this ?" I respond respectfully. "Oh lord Chuuya is gonna kill me for that." He mumbles under his breath. I can't look away, my eyes are like attracted to his like magnets. He bends a little and takes my other hand slowly. I feel his intense gaze on me and it makes me feel weird. "June. You are.." He starts, but can't seem to continue. Instead, he pins me on the wall and kisses me roughly. It's a passionate and harsh kiss but I can't resist to kiss him back. He lets go of my right hand and puts his hand on my cheek. I play with his hair and he pushes his body to completly block mine against the wall. I open my eyes and see an absolutely handsome face kissing me while his hands start to brush against my waist, giving me chills. While we both stop kissing to breath some air, I see his face getting red. "Chuuya was right, you are the perfect woman." He says as he walks away like nothing happened. I burst into my chamber and think about it for two seconds. In what hell did I put myself in ? How awkward the trainings are going to be now ?

Talking of trainings, it's almost 8.30 AM, time to go I guess. I exit my room and knock at the door on the other side of the corridor. I cough a bit and say: "Dazai-san, I think we have to go train before Boss notices that we are not here." The door opens and Dazai goes out his room without saying a word. He makes a hand sign telling me to follow him. We go down a lot of stairs and finally arrive to a big underground area, with all the equipment to train for pakour. "First we are going to train hand-to-hand fights. When you get a good level, we will start with your ability." He talks so suddenly that I jump a bit before listening to him. Hand-to-hand fight huh? I'm good at this. If I train well I will be able to train my abilily soon. He puts a water bucket on the floor without explaining anything, I guess it is for the future injuries we will get.

He streches, cracks his knuckles and takes a defensive position. I don't do any of the things he did, because I run to him and try to hit the man's face. He dodges and throws me on the cold floor. I stand up immediatly and this time, I take my time to think. I guess I have to do some feints in attempt to even touch him. What the hell was I thinking ? I'm in the Mafia, people here are tough and strong. I make my second attack, and the second I want to lower my arm to hit his guts, he raises his knee to protect himself. What ? How did he know what I wanted to do ? I won't give up until I hit him tho. I land on my feet and jump immediatly. I attach my hands to his shoulders and make him go to the floor, me on top on him. He groans and arches his back because of the pain. I squeeze his shoulders with my fingers and throw my head back. I hit my forehead into his and I feel myself being lift up before seeing blood going out of my mouth. This bastard hit me in the stomach, and I wasn't even ready. Crap, I can't get up. My body is paralyzed in pain and I can't stop twitching. After seconds that felt like days, I open my eyes and look at Dazai. I feel so angry against him, even tho it's my fault, I wasn't completely aware. I look at him with a death glare. If gazes could kill, he would've been dead now. A purple aura forms around my body and water comes out of the bucket. The liquid splits, forms multiple blades that fly in the direction of my Sensei. He raises his hand in front of his head and says: "Ability: No longer human." Suddenly, the water drops on the floor and I do the same. I am hella tired right now and it feels like the ground is moving. I can't see straight, I close my eyes and let myself go in a deep sleep.

I open my eyes at the sudden sound coming in my ears: "Bang." Am I getting shot at ? No, I'm in a room. I try to move and end up groaning in agony. I give up on moving and relax my muscles. I try to remember yesterday's events and see the water going to Dazai and him saying <Ability...>. Then black out, I don't know if anything happened after that. A familiar head appears in my sight and I sigh: "Oh no... not him !" The man in front of me laughs and responds: "I'm not happy to see you either June-kun, but hey, here I am huh. And you should be absloutely honored !" I let out a chuckle and smile at the red head. "How are you Chuuya ?" He makes a disapointed face. "Why do you ask me, dumbass. You're the injured one here ! You used your ability so soon, no one knew if you were going to make it alive !" He yells. Wait what ?

"My ability ?"

Author note: Yayyyy 5th chapter ! I hope you like the story :) I enjoy your comments and reviews ! Thank you guys for the support, I'm doing my best to keep updating but school is harsh with me T.T  Okay okay, byeee <3

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