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"Well, I wish I aborted you 18 years ago ! Fucking whore ! You stole my husband !! Tsk, you are such a slut with that big ass of yours." My mom yelled at me after I told her about the sexual assaults my dad made me endure everyday since my 15's birthday.

It's not my fault he's doing that to me, right ? I guess I shouldn't have a big ass if I didn't want that to happen. It's definetly my fault. Damn. I shouldn't have been born. I wish I coud just run away. Wait, I can do that right ? I have my japanese passport, money, and a big bag in my room. Quick June, think. Think. Think... Fuck, I don't have time for this. It won't get long before my dad comes back.

"I know, mom. I'll be out of your life for a while now. I won't bother you anymore."

I rush in my room and take clothes, all my saved money and my passport. I run down the stairs and close my house's door for the last time. Well, this is goodbye. I hope I never get here ever again. Now, I have to find a way to the airport. Damn, I'm kind of happy to be numb, if I wasn't I'd probably be regretful at the moment. I saw a car going to the direction of the airport. I do a hand sign, asking for the driver to stop.

"Hey kid, where are you going ?" (english)

"To the airport, can you drive me the nearest please ?" (english) I try to be gentle in my voice but all I can do is talk in a monotone voice.

"Ya sure. Take a seat I'm driving you here." (english)

"Thanks a lot" (english)

He seems truthworthy. I don't feel any bad intentions coming from him. Heh, nice, I'm not getting raped today. It's my time to shine.

"So, kid, where are you going exactly ? You look young... Are you sure it's a good idea to go away ?" (english)

"I'm going to Japan. I'm 17 sir, I can manage. Yes I am sure. Thanks" (english)

I can't let him know any of this situation so I respond shortly and politely. This is the best I can do. Damn, I hope I have enough money for the travel... Going to Japan is not easy. I have my passport tho, it's fine, I can do this. I can't fully comfort myself. I know it's going to be a rough time of my life, but I won't let any of this happen again. Never. The car stopped 200 meters before the airport entry. Huh? Why this far? It's okay tho, I can walk. But still, it's a bit peculiar...

"Thanks for driving me here, this is goodbye huh ?" (english) I say calmly.

"Yes kid. Take care of yourself. Sorry, but I can't go further, personal problems." (english)

"Okay." I laugh in embarrassement. "Bye" (english)

I close the door and he drives like crazy. Who the hell is this guy ? Why was he so calm but yet so pressed to go ? Ah, screw that, I have to fly to Japan now. I walk for a few minutes and enter the airport. It's so huge, there are so many lights and people ! I head to the informations counter and wait for the queue to decrease. The person before me is tall, has brown hair and a long-ass beige coat. He has bandages all over his arms, how odd. I hear him talking about a fly to japan, so I eavesdrop the conversation. "Section B.... 3rd corridor... blue door" Yes ! I got my informations. I'm going to follow this dude and hope for a miracle. I keep a healthy distance between me and the bandage-man and follow him around. Once he finds the blue door, I wait like two minutes and I get in.

What. is. this. The man I was following was sitting in a chair, talking to a dark-haired man when they suddenly turned their head to face me. They had smirks on their faces. I was pertified. This... I know this feeling. No. No. I must not think about... it. I must not think about... about my dad. Damn. He had the same smile when he was about to touch me the first time. I can't help but think about it, while the two were still looking at me. I have to get back. Get back to reality. He is not here. I try to breathe, but it seems impossible. I fall on my knees, begging my own lungs for air. I want to scream, to cry, but nothing goes out my throat. I have to get back. Shit. I can't. I'm not good enough to get back to reality. Reality doesn't want me. No one wants me. No one needs me, wow, how didn't I understood that before ? I should've killed myself long ago, I wouldn't have bothered anyone. Why didn't I think about this before ? Reality. Oh no, it's true, I forgot I have to get back to reality. Damn, why is it so hard this time ? How is the time so long ? How can I still think even tho I can't breathe ? How much time was I here, on the floor, thinking? Why do I keep going further in my thoughts instead of going back to reality ? r.e.a.l.i.t.y. I fill my lungs with air, and get up. I turn around to the door, but someone is stopping me.

"I.... have, I have to..." I can't speak right. But I know I have to go. But how do I say that ? How do I make my voice work correctly ? Why can't I go back ? Reality is a good place, I shouldn't leave it too often, I hate this feeling of weakness. I have to speak. To yell. Even to cry ! Am I even able to cry tho ? I haven't cried in years. Maybe it might help. But now, I have to talk. Talk clearly. Say that I don't want to be here. Time is long. I can't move on my own. Shit. I'm going back in my thoughts. No. Reality. Reality. Reality.

"Reality..." I say weakly.

"What did you say?"

"I... said... reality."

"What does that mean ? Is it some kind of secret code ?" The black-haired man said.

"No. I know what's happening. Come with me, sit down." Bandage-man whispered.

"Tell me what's going on, then, Dazai."

"She followed me because she heard me talking about a fly to Japan, that's probably where she wants to go, she followed me and the faces we were making when we looked at her reminded her of a trauma." He says while giving me a glass of water. "Drink, then I will take you to Japan."

I drink the water slowly while looking at the room around. It's big, with red carpet on the floor. There's two guys at the entrence with guns. Crap, where the fuck am I ? In what hell did I fall in ? The water has a weird taste. I don't trust these people and there is a taste in my water. I search for a sink and when I see one, I run and spit the water in it.

"Why does it have a weird taste ? Damn, I shouldn't have followed you..." I say, trying to look confident.

"Impressive. Yes, I tried to take you in a deep sleep so you wouldn't know where I was going to. You have an amazing sense of taste, mmhh... what's your name ?" Dazai responded.

Holy mother fucking shit. Do I lie about my name ? Or do I say the truth right now ? If I get involved with them it's going to be hard to say that I just faked my indentity. And if they see my passport ? Crap, my passport. I shouldn't lie. These persons are dangerous. Who knows what they are able to do ?

"I am June." I breathe out and add: "What are your names ?" Dang, who knew I had the guts to ask this to them ? They looked hella dangerous, and yet I didn't feel in danger at all.

"Ogai Mori." The other one added: "Dazai Osamu."

"Okay, may I go now ? I really have to go out of the country before the police starts looking for me." I don't really have time. If they search for me, an airport is not the place where I am the safest. I have to go.

"If the police are looking for you, then you are safer here than outside. Sorry to disapoint you." Ogai said, holding a cup of alcohol.

"Damn." I whisper. "Continue what you were doing then, I'm waiting." I fucking have to go out of this country, so I guess these two are my biggest chance.

They start talking again, I don't have the force to listen. My eyelids are super heavy. Why now ? It's a bad idea to sleep now. I have to fight the sleepiness... I have to.... I fell asleep in a corner, head resting on the wall.

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