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The young man was tensed, walking to and fro restlessly in a hospital which was far too quiet. He was unaware that this will be the place where he gains and loses the two most precious things in his life.

It was far too dark, too quiet, it was as if there wasn't a single soul alive. He could only hear his breathing, quick and shallow.

And then he heard it.

A cry.

The baby was born.

A healthy child.

His child.

He ran, his face radiating happiness.

To meet his wife and child. His loved ones.

The doctors called him,"Sir, come and meet your wife and daughter."

'Daughter? he thought happily,
Wife? It meant she was okay.'

But deep down he knew she wouldn't live for long . She was too weak. A sick woman.

She must never fall in love,
She couldn't conceive a child,
She had cancer, they said.

But their destiny was different,
she did fall in love,
she did conceive a child,
she did live happily together with him.

He prayed and hoped that she wouldn't leave him and their child, he couldn't bear to lose her. She did promise after all. She just had to fulfil it. No matter what.

But life is too short. All things in life do come to an end, and so their happiness vanished just as it had begun.

"Every soul will taste death" Al- Quran 3:185.

She took her child in her arms and said, "Mama will always protect you. She will always be there for you. My Lord is calling me. The Angel of death is waiting for me. The doors of Jannah are open for me.

Just because I am leaving doesn't mean i don't care about you, I love you my child, Amyrah, my princess, much more than you can imagine."

She looked at her husband whose eyes were moist with unshed tears and at her daughter who was sleeping peacefully and said,

"Goodbye my dears. May Allah shower his blessings on you all. I love you. So very much."

And just like that she closed her eyes for the the final time with a peaceful smile on her face.

The doctors looked at them in sympathy.

'Why are they looking in a wierd way duh!' he wondered. 'She's just tired, she'll wake up soon.' He smiled. He believed that she will never leave him. Afterall she did promise to live together forever with their child.

A promise she never fulfilled.

The doctors were in a hassle, the quiet hospital was now like the noisiest place. People speaking in loud volumes, noisy footsteps of the running doctors and the cry of the dear child in his arms.

"Mister please call your family and let them know. Right now the child needs a mother--" the doctor began but was interrupted,

"What are you saying doctor? My wife is right here. Let me wake her up," He glared at him.

"Huh! Huh.. but.. Mr. Rasheed I your wife is.. she's.. dead.. She passed away..."

"How is that possible. She promised me," he whispered shaking his head.

"Hey wake up. Our baby is crying, guess she's hungry right? I know you must be tired but dear, open your eyes please.." his voice broke. One look at her and he knew he lost her.

"No, no, how is that possible! It can't be! Please do something... I have a daughter... what will happen to her?" the young man cried falling on his knees.

"I am sorry Mr. Rasheed, we tried our best but she's gone," the doctor said with sympathy.

That fateful day he lost his queen and was given a princess.

He promised he will take care of his daughter, his princess, his Amyrah.

But it was nothing but a mere saying, a promise which he never fulfilled.

Amyrah, just as her name she was indeed a princess ; who never gained the love of her parents, rather she became a queen who loved her parents, a cheerful and independent soul who stood up for herself and achieved her dreams.


● Amyrah :-  Princess
● Mama :- mother
● Papa :- father
● Akhi :- brother
● Assalamu Alaikum :- peace be upon you
● Shukran :- thank you very much


Assalamu Alaikum.

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