13. Confusion

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~You are what you do, not what you say you'll do.


"Who is this?"




"Salaam. Miss Amyrah, this is to inform you that you are accepted for this job. Present yourself tomorrow. You will be under supervision this week, as in training. Good night."


She hanged up.

And so did my mouth.

Am I dreaming? What's even happening? How is this so easy? Or as I suspected, this school is creepy! Surely the principal is, but she can be an exception because of her stupidity. Well..I have no choice, but to enroll and see what happens.


When I spoke to my friends about my doubts of the school, they teased me saying that I was probably nervous. I just rolled my eyes at them.

I asked my brother to drop me. He faked a few tears and said,
"My dear sister has grown up, I am so proud of you." And patted my head in a brotherly way and sarcastically commented me on my looks saying, "You look like a doll all dressed up."

Excited, nervous and a feeling of being a bit mature; these were the emotions I felt as I stepped inside the school. I had a brief talk with the blockheaded, middle-aged woman aka principal, murmuring an apology inside my head for being rude, I nodded at whatever she was blabbering.

"This is your time schedule and this your personal observer. She will be supervising your teaching." She pointed to a lady in her early twenties who looked obviously flustered with the way she was introduced.

A sassy look plastered on her face, the highness left her kingdom swaying her hips with a proud look of who knows why. Another reason to hate her. While the poor lady who was my assistant quickly looked down blushing.

Mm...okay! This school sure has a bad impression.


"So as today is the first day of my teaching, I think it will be better if we introduce ourselves right?"

The students nodded.

"My name is Amyrah and I will be your assistant class teacher. Now starting from you, let's start the introductions."
I pointed at the girl in front. She shyly nodded and stood.

"I am Marium Muadh." I smiled and nodded motioning to the next girl.

After a few more students, one of them said, "So you're the new teacher huh? didn't expect you to be such a beauty..haha... the look on your face... haha... I am Shafinaz, call me Shafee."

The nerve of that little... controlling my anger I faked a smile and patting her head said,
"Aren't you such a cutie, little girl. You sure got some guts, but I don't tolerate bad little girls in my class, is that clear Shafinaz?"

She looked bewildered and angrily glared at me. I just smiled sweetly and started my work.


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