A book for a man whore Chapter 10 (picture of Carter)

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Hunter's POV

Leah slashed the whip right beside Daniel and he screamed like a little girl. I couldn't help but fall on the floor and laugh my ass off. "Tell me why did you date her even when I told you she was a fucking slut?!?" Leah half asked half screamed. He was shaking. 'I don't know."

Tara shook her head and sighed. "That's not a good enough answer for us, Danny." That was Leah's cue to do whatever she wanted to do to him. She smiled evilly as I got up and went into one of the closed doors and grabbed a bucket. I handed it over to her and she showed him what was in it. He was shaking more now. "Fuck no. Get that fucking shit away from me!" 

Worms. Daniel hated worms. Which I didn't understand since he was a guy and in grade one, every guy loved to chase the girls around with worms in our hands. But not him, which was how Leah got anything out of him. Threaten him with worms.

"I'm going to ask you one more time Daniel. Why did you still go out with that Slut after we told you to dump her?" 

Dan's eyes were full of fear and Tara wiped away the sweat from his brow. I looked over at Adrian who was trying his hardest not to laugh at Dan but barely being able to keep his mouth shut. I hit his arm telling him to shut up and he hit me back. I didn't pay attention to him anymore. Instead I watched Dan as he answered her question. Which was more our question.

"B-b-b-because I thought that I was falling in love with her. And the sex was really good." 

I thought that, that made sense but it was Leah who he was talking to. And Leah never thought that the truth was good enough. She always wanted to make someone cry and repeat the truth to her over and over again. Never, lie to Leah or else she will become the devil herself on you.

Carmen's POV

I looked down at the sheet with my lines on it. "Oh Romeo!" 

"Oh brother!" Zac said, smirking then laughing at me. 

I put the sheet down on the table and glared at him. "What's so funny?"

He didn't say anything. What he did was what made me want to tackle him. "You sound like a prostitute  pleasuring someone."

I pushed his body down and hit his chest. He smirked and flipped me over so that he was on top now. His full wait was on me now, knocking the breath out of me. "Get off of me, you jackass!" I pushed him to the side. Slowly, he got up. 

It was early in the morning and Zac was already pissing me off. Again. "You… know, you're not funny at all" I said, getting up and sitting back in my chair. 

"Yes, I am. Why else do you think chicks want to fuck me?" 

I nearly tackled him again. But I kept cool, and read over my lines once again. It wasn't fun working with him at all. Maybe I could get a new partner...…

Zac's POV

I watched Carmen as she bent her head, staring at her lines. What a loser. My phone started vibrating in the pocket of my jeans. I already knew who it was before I had to look at the number-Carter. I smiled and leaned forward, snatching her lines out of her hand. Her face was startled then angered. "Carter's coming. You need you're skateboarding clothes."

Carmen opened her mouth and I quickly stuffed a muffin in there. She spat it out. "What the fuck Zac?" 

I pointed to the stairs. "Get your shit."

 She snorted and walked towards me, her now dark green eyes had a look that could kill. I looked around for something to throw at her once again. The only thing I could find was a bowl of fruit. I looked at the bowl of fruit then at Carmen, then back at the fruit. By this time, she was already in killing distance. I grabbed the fruit, taking the orange out first.

"Zac you dumb shit, I'm gonna-"

I threw the orange at her, aiming for her head. It hit her smack in the forehead, stopping her step. The orange fall at her feet, she looked down at it, her body curving. I tilted my head and watched as she picked it up slowly.

As fast as a bullet, the orange came back for my head. I ducked and dropped the bowl that was in my hands. I crawled forward and picked up a banana just as she grabbed for it too. 

"Zac, you dumb shit!" She yelled at me. 

Carter's POV

The front door swung opened and out came Zac, holding the chick from yesterday in the air. His hands were on her lower back and her thigh. I shook my head and picked up my skateboard, getting ready to take them to the park. 

Tara's POV

I sat down beside Carmen, she looked up at me briefly, then back down at her book. It was the book that she made for Zac. "What are you doing?" I asked, poking her in the cheek. 

She flinched and kept her eyes glued to the book. "I'm looking at where I should start for Zac."

I smiled, tilting my head to the side. I knew exactly where she should start to help him. I grabbed her hand, "Come on."


When we got to the principal's office, we headed straight for the speakers. If anyone found out about this, we were beyond dead. Luckily, everyone who would ever tell was afraid of Leah. 

"What are we doing Tara?" Carmen whispered at me. She was scared, I knew it. But this was the best way to start.

I grabbed the speaker and switched the on button. I took a deep breath and then started talking. "Hello Hedley High! This is your very own student, Carmen Anderson speaking"-I heard Carmen I gasp from behind me. I smirked but kept on talking-" And this is for all the ladies in the school. All this week, starting today, after school we will be hold auditions to date..our very own Zac Blumenthal! If you're interested, meet us in the parking lot so we can see if you have what he wants."

I shut the speaker off just as Carmen flung herself at me. I screamed and moved out of her way. Outside of the office, girls were squealing and gossiping about the auditions. Oh I was so good. 

"You owe me big babe!"

She blocked my way, her now brown eyes going crazy with fear. "What if he heard that? And doesn't come to school?"

I snorted and put a hand on her should. "Like he actually comes to school in the morning Carmen! Everything will be fine."

She nodded her head and took her cell phone out of her back pocket. She was going to text Zac. I leaned over her shoulder to see the text message.

No sex. Starting now, get your ass to school you fucker.

THANKS for reading! Carmen's finally going to start XD hahahaahah!

That's Carter over there!

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