A Book For a Man Whore Chapter 17

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Zac's POV

I looked around the diner tugging at my neck tie. Minikin insisted that I wore one (which didn't make any sense since I never wore one in my life). The headache I had from last night's party will still doing it's damage to my brain, I couldn't think straight. But even worse than that, I hated that I was being forced to go on a date with someone I didn't know. Again. The only difference was that I chose the girl for the blind date (if only I knew her...).

fresh food and I tugged on my tie again and then closed my eyes. The smell of fresh fish and wine filled my nose. Then someone bumped into me, their momentum knocking me off my feet.

"Oh my god, SORRY!" they nearly screamed it.

My eyes were wide open and I smiled. "No worries."  

It took me a moment to realize that they were still behind me. I moved to the side so that they could pass me, but they didn't move. Instead, they cleared their throat. "Zac?"

It felt like a trick. My heart started pounding a little bit faster, finally, she was here. I turned around and my face fell. The headache I had was throbbing even harder and the room felt like it was spinning again.

"What the..." I trailed off.

"I'm your blind date. You chose me" they said.

Minikin was going to die now.

Carmen's POV

Dad came up the stairs and put a mug on my bed side table. It was too late to pretend like I was still sleeping because I was pretty sure that he heard the slow jazz that I put on. Still, I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hair.

"Carmen, we both know you're awake" he said.

I could feel one end of my bed get heavier as my dad sat down. I pushed my hair back behind me and sighed. My head was still spinning a bit from last night. Sitting up, my dad held out two Advil's and I took them mumbling a thank you too. He pointed to the mug that was on my bed side table. The tea he made for me was my favourite, Refresh part of the Tazo tea collection at Starbucks.

"So" he leaned back on my bed and I watched him, taking a sip of my mint tea. "What happened last night?"

I already knew that he was talking about the wigs and pile of clothes that we falling out of my closet. "Tara got some pop all over me so I just borrowed some of Maria's clothes. Shockingly, she isn't that much of a girly girl."

My room was quiet for a few more minutes. I kept was eyes on my dad until he finally sighed. "Get dressed, you're going to be spending some time with Rose."

I almost dropped my mug onto my blanket. "What?" I nearly yelled. "Why is she here? I thought she moved to-"

"They're here to visit. And you have to be nice to her, Carmen" he said cutting me off. He got up and walked towards my bedroom door. I felt like throwing something at the wall, make the room stop spinning.


"Do you think he's pissed?" Tara asked me. I could hear Matt in the background, shouting and hollering like an idiot.

I put my phone on speaker and then dropped it on my bed, "he totally deserves it. Who cares?"

Walking over to my mirror, I stared at myself. My hair was wavy and went well with my dark blue concert shirt and light pink sweater. Instead of wearing a skirt, I decided to wear a pair of jeans and my favourite pair of boots.

"Anyway" Tara started again. A big BAM! noise came from her end of the line. "Excited to see Rose again?"

I snorted, "super excited. I just love Rose Blackwood! She's the best person ever!"

"I hope that wasn't sarcasm."

I jumped and spun around. There she was, Rose Blackwood.

"Minn? You still there?" I heard Tara say on the phone. But my gaze was stuck on Rose.

"hey Carmen" she said and smiled at me. It was going to be a long day.

I know this chapter is really short but I kinda have writer's block :/ Anyway, comment! 


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