A Book For A Man Whore Chapter 16

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Carey's POV

It was too cold to be outside. My teeth were chattering like crazy. I was so cold that I wouldn't be surprised if I lost a toe or a finger. Christofer glared at me and I closed my mouth. The chattering still continued. "W-wh-why can't we g-g-go inside?" I stammered.

Chris sighed and unwrapped his legs and started stretching. "Because it's too quiet inside."

"We could always turn on the r-ra-radio" I suggested.

He laughed, still not looking at me, "I like the bird's better than some stupid, annoying song by Britney Spears."

I huffed, cool, white air came from my mouth. I hugged myself, still refusing to sit on the cold ground where Chris was. He looked warm. I was sure to lose at least one toe or finger in this cold weather. What made things even worse was that there wasn't any snow on the ground. Chris was still sitting down on the ground and I was still standing.

We were in his backyard, getting ready to do some yoga stretches that (apparently) have been proven to make people taller. My teeth were still chattering when Chris told me to sit down on the mat that he put out beside him. I sat down crossed legged and wrapped my arms around myself.

From beside me, I heard a zipping noise and saw just in time that Chris was taking off his long sleeved shirt and threw it behind him, on top of his jacket.

I adverted my eyes and looked straight ahead of me. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter. "Let's start with some breathing" he said. "Like this."

Reluctantly, I faced him, watching his solid chest rise and then fall in a smooth pattern. His back was perfectly straight, legs tightly crossed under him. My eyes kept going back to his chest and how his chest was curved a bit, and then a huge swoop right where-


He had his eyes closed still. I sighed in relief (it wouldn't have been pretty if he knew I was staring at him) and cleared my throat. "What?"

He peeked over at me this time, but only with one eye. "Are you still cold?"

My eyes were glued to his face, a small grin appeared on his lips. I forgot that I was cold.

"Want to get taller?" He asked, sarcasm fresh in his voice.

"Want to fuck off?" I muttered under my breath.

I ignored him when he asked me to repeat what I said. My body was copying his-straight back, tightly crossed legs, hands on knees and steady breaths. Too bad I was too short to copy his stupid neck tilt he did while staring at me.

Zac's POV

I needed sex. No, I needed a girl. Any girl. I needed to feel her lips rough against my neck, feel the curve of her boobs, or the way every girl's body curls intensely into mine. I needed a girl. And badly.

"What's up with your face?" Ashley asked and took a sip of her coffee. I looked awful. That was what was wrong with my face. My chin was rough from not shaving, there were awful, huge, purple bags under my eyes and my hair was getting longer, curling at the ends.

"Not enough sleep" I mumbled, my eyes were half open.

Ashley shrugged her shoulders and sipped her coffee again. Not having sex for three weeks was harder than I though. I needed a girl. I needed sex, my body felt like JELL-O, I could barely walk properly. And it didn't help that once I stood up from the chair at the kitchen, Drake punched my shoulder and I was on the floor instead of my chair.

"You okay?" he asked. But his eyes were already eyeing the blueberry muffins that mom had made before she left (they did smell very good).

"I'm used to the beats, remember?" I said, getting up, my legs felt like water and I was back on my ass in seconds. Ashley laughed and went upstairs, her hair was pulled to one side and her hips were swaying in the air. By the time I managed to get up and back into my chair, I saw four muffin wrappers on the counter beside my brother.

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