Chapter 2

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Pavement trotted to the pace of Cream and Silver. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Ivy exclaimed every time she sees a group of people. 

"We are getting closer," Cream replies. 

"Silver? My paws hurt!" Rose complained. 

"Here. I prepared some dock. Rub it on your pads." Silver gently rubbed the dock juice onto her paw pads. 

"I'm hungry!" Scotch mumbled. 

"Stop complaining! We are about to see the best thing in our lives!" Pavement bounced with excitement. After a while, Pavement saw a whole clearing full of Twolegs. Small houses were put up and Twolegs gave out things. "Do we have to go into those houses?"

"Those houses are called stands. Twolegs give things to other Twolegs for food, toys, clothes, and many other things. We are to beg for food and some warm clothing. You see those traps? Don't fall into them. You would be put to a shelter and become a kittypets." Cream gave directions. "Twoleg kits are the nicest. You see one with food and if their eyes are sparkling, that means they are safe. I want Ivy, Pavement, and I to be in a group. Silver will take the other two. We will meet here when it's sunhigh." Pavement followed Cream to a sweet-smelling stand. 

"Ooooh! The smell is so good!" Ivy whispered excitedly. Pavement took a deep deep breath. 

"Ahhhh!" Pavement exhaled. Then, a young Twoleg bent down. Cream and Ivy ran away, but out of curiosity, Pavement stayed. The female twoleg gave him the sweet-smelling stuff to him. Pavement shrank back. The twoleg smiled and placed it on the ground. Pavement was about to take it when...

"Hey! That's mine!" cried a cat. Pavement got rammed into and he got pushed away. The female twoleg picked up his "attacker" and threw him into one of the cages. "Hey you, kit! You'll pay for this! That food is mine!" The female twoleg harshly scolded the cat and he fell silent. The female got down again and place a whole box of food. She pat Pavements head and went back making the sweet-smelling food. 

"Pavement! Are you alright?" Cream bounded to him. Pavement smiled at her.

"I'm fine! What is this? This is good!" Pavement said, trying to take another bite.

"That is sweet potato pie. Well, sweet potato bites." Cream informed. "That twoleg is famous for being nice to cats and for torturing them. When cats like Spot hurt other cats to get the food she gave, she puts them into cages then setting them free at the end of the day." Pavement tensed. 

"Oh. My. Gosh." Pavement said, straining to take another bite, but Cream looked at him. "Fine." he gave up. Cream dragged the box away and Pavement followed him. 

"Ah! Cream! I see you got a box full of Lily's favorite snacks!" Silver smiled.

"It wasn't me. It was Pavement." Cream flicked her tail.

"Good job! Sweet potato bites are Lily's favorite!" Silver purred at him. 

"We got some fish kibbles!" Scotch licked his lips.

"Which he ate." Rose rolled her eyes.

"But we got another batch!" Scotch argued.

"Which we had to stop you from eating." Rose eyed him.

"But they are so good!" Scotch frowned.

"But they are for the family!" Rose looked at him.

"Fine. You win." Scotch looked down. 

"Now, let's go home." Cream looked at Pavement and his littermates.

"Yeah! I can't wait to tell Lily about our adventure!" Pavement bounced. 

"Let's go!" Rose trotted. 

Adventures Book 1: PavementWhere stories live. Discover now