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nina sat outside on her patio, under the pitch black sky, with only the light coming from the fire that was in front of her.

she sat comfortably on her outdoor couch, with a thick, furry blanket draped over her legs, and a long sleeve crew neck that covered her hands as she hugged herself tightly, soaking in the warm air escaping the fire amongst the cold winter night.

she always had a fascination with light- fire to be exact. it felt so warm, not only physically but mentally. she's spent so much time sitting outside in the exact same spot during the past two years. it has become her safe spot.

she came out there to think mostly- about her future with ej and the company, her present, with the wedding and moving, and her past, the unknown puzzle she has yet to piece back together.

however, she did have some memories that she had come back a couple months after she woke up, but the memories stopped coming back a year later. she had a couple from her childhood of her playing with ej, learning stuff at school with her private teacher, watching movies with dana when she couldn't sleep at night. some random memories that she's grateful to have back.

nina salazar-roberts, a successful 20 year old young woman, living in LA, still in the same house as her moms but has been planning to move out with her fiancé, elijah caswell.

she loved her life, she had her amazing partner in crime, best friend, her one and only, always by her side to support her. she had her two best friends, alice and elena, who she loved to death, wouldn't know what she would do without them. and lastly, she had her two moms, the people who raised her, taught her the right ways of life.

the people who encouraged her to do what she wanted. always.

she was taken out of her train of thoughts by something she felt around her. another warm feeling rushed through her veins as she spotted it, resting on the glass table that was separating her and the fire pit.

a firefly.

she has always had an attraction to fireflies, she remembers one time, when she was still a little girl, on vacation with her family, she snuck out and she was swarmed with a whole bunch of them in a green meadow. she loved it.

that was the only memory she had with them, yet she was still attached to them. a smile always appeared on her face and comfort filled the air when she saw the small bright yellow light flying around her.

"hey little guy," she said to it as she leaned forward to inspect it, "back again so soon?"

she chuckled a little before she heard one of her moms call her in for dinner and she turned her head to face the house, where the sound was coming from. at the sound of her voice, the firefly flew away, and left nina wondering when she would see another one again.

"bye bye firefly," she whispered to the insect as she got up from the couch and watched it fly away into the distance.

she walked through the big glass sliding doors that lead into the kitchen and greeted her moms with a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"someone's in a good mood," carol smiled.

"just thinking about stuff," nina replied as she grabbed a prepared salad bowl and walked into the dining room.

she saw ej sitting at the table as she walked in and gave him a greeting smile, followed by a tight hug and a peck on the lips.

"hi baby," nina smiled as she sat down in the seat next to her fiancé.

"hi bubs," he replied as he set his arm on her back, and smiled at the girl who rested her head on her hand, smiling back at the raven haired man.

soon, her moms came in with the rest of the prepared food bowls and they proceeded to have a nice family dinner talking about wedding plans and the business of the two companies. every now and then ej would glance over at nina and see her laughing or talking passionately to her moms.

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