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she knocked on his door like there was no tomorrow. she didn't care about his family, his neighbours, the consequences. she didn't care about anything. she came to him for one thing and one thing only.

an answer.

"what the fuck, ricky," she mumbled to her self as she continued knocking, louder and louder as the seconds went by, until he opened the door.

"nina, i know last night i said i wanted you to stay, and i have no problem with you coming over but did you really have to come at-"

"why the fuck is everyone calling me nini?" she asked, closing her eyes and balling up her fists.

"i- i don't know," he stuttered.

"really? cause i think you do," she sassed.

"i don't. i-"

"no, let me explain why," she started, taking a deep breath in. "when i first got here carlos called me nini, whatever, could've been a mistake. then gina called me nini at the new years party, weird, right? then that serena person from the karaoke bar called me nini. and out of nowhere, last night, your dad called me nini like it was natural to him. you know what all of those have in common? everyone around them tried to make them stop talking to me or make them shut up. and i thought it was some weird salt lake thing but now i'm thinking it has something to do with you because you and carlos clearly used to be close, you and gina have your weird thing going, you knew who serena was, and it was your fucking dad, ricky. what the actual fuck is going on here?"

he stayed quiet with clear shock shown on his face at all of the bottled up memories she had from her short time in salt lake.

"ricky i just want to know why everyone seems to know me," she ran her fingers through her hair.

"i can't nini," he replied, loss shown in his eyes and tone as he defeatedly shook his head.

"see! you just called me nini! you do know what happened! why can't you tell me?" hope clear in her voice.

"i just... can't."

"why are you under some contract?" she asked sarcastically.

he stayed quiet, looking down at his feet.

"hello? you can't be in a contract, that was a joke richard. if you don't tell me right now i'm going to scream because i have been so fucking clueless my whole trip here when everyone around me is so clearly careful as to what they have to say around me and i'm tired of it. i'm tired of you shutting me out for no fucking reason and i'm tired of ashlyn trying to push away every single person i've come close to here because i just want to be free, and i thought i was but now it's clear that i'm not and i'm just fucking trapped under a fucking-"

"god nini, stop cussing, will you? it's cause we know you, okay? there, you happy? you got the truth," he breathed out and rolled his eyes annoyingly.

she scoffed, "richard i know you know me, i'm not an idiot. i just don't understand why-"

"no nina, we knew you."

she scoffed and took a step back, losing her balance and almost tripping over, "what?"

"we knew you," he repeated, quietly.

"what are you- what do you mean?"

"neens, you're looking pale, why don't you come in and have a seat," he moved to the side so she could come in.

"tell me what you mean," she persisted.

he looked up at the ceiling of his house for a second, trying to recollect his memories before looking back down at the girl. "we didn't exactly know you, we knew nini."

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