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"mamas! i'm home!" nina exclaimed as she walked in the front set of doors and took her shoes off, placing them on the shoe rack next to the coat hanger.

"in the kitchen!" carol yelled back.

nina followed her moms voice into the kitchen and saw them conversing as they made dinner. dana was over by the stove top pan frying some chicken while carol was mashing potatoes on the island.

"hi hon, how was your day?" dana asked as she looked to her daughters direction.

"it was fun, turns out elena talks to a lot of my fans," she laughed as she grabbed a baby carrot and started eating it.

"that's nice," carol smiled.

"yea. oh also!" nina remembered as she swallowed the carrot she was chewing, "claire texted me and said there was a new artist i have to review. i have to travel somewhere again in a week."

"again? you just got back from florida a couple days ago," dana pointed out.

"i know," nina frowned, "but it's okay, i don't think it's gonna be for long. i was only in florida for like 2 weeks."

"maybe," carol breathed, "so what place do you have to go to this time?"

"utah," nina casually said as she looked at the potatoes her mom was mashing. she noticed that carol froze as the word left her mouth, still leaving half the bowl not mashed.

she looked up to see both of her moms staring at her, frozen, the colour from their faces being drained as their blank expression seemed to deepen.

"what?" nina asked in a tone where she seemed to have said something wrong.

carol and dana looked at each other and nina could see them still holding the same expression. she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and titled her head a bit.

"uh, you guys okay?" she questioned and the two women looked back at her.

"utah?" dana asked to which nina nodded. "wh- uh- where in utah?"

"salt lake city," she said as a huff of air escaped her mouth and she grabbed another baby carrot, seeming that the tension that was just in the air was slowly fading away.

dana and carol gave each other another look and nina noticed it was the same as the look they gave each other a minute ago.

"okay, what's going on?" nina asked as she flung her hands a little into the air.

"nina, you are not going to utah," carol sternly said as she looked her daughter dead in the eye.

um, what the fuck? is she good?

"of course i'm going to utah," she stifled a laugh, "i never miss appointments with potential clients."

"no. i'm not letting you go."

nina looked back at her and saw that she was being serious. a wave of nerves washed through her body as she saw her mom look at her with her deep brown, controlling eyes.

"what? why not?" she asked, concerned.

carol ignored her question and continued to mash the potatoes in the bowl sitting in front of her, steam escaping every now and then.

she looked over to dana who gave her a sad smile, not knowing what to say. they've never been speechless before, she didn't know they were capable of being speechless.

"mama d, why can't i go?" she asked.


"because i said so nina!" carol raised her voice, making nina jump a little. she let out a breath before she placed her hands on the table and looked down, "sorry, i didn't mean to yell, it's jus- no."

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