"Lines received when trying to go to sleep, speaking of the value of people and those who have trusted Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. I wanted to get away from doom-and-gloom and speak of victory and life-eternal-forever!" - by Brandon Ezzard.
Jesus for me
went through more pain
than my mother experienced
giving me birth, even more than a
man with no anesthesia going
through open heart surgery.
For His heart melted like wax
candle that had burned intensely,
His sorrowful passion poured out more
than the cries of players on teams losing
after a unheard-of winning streak.
Through the cross of Christ
I've been reconciled with Him,
more than a parent two other
children due to sibling rivalry.
Having peace through the hope
of glory, I'm justified by faith,
an overcomer, I'm not under
law but I'm under grace.
If there was a 'Price is Right' sequel,
then I having been bought would
be worth the blood of Jesus Christ.
He was lifted up, higher as an eagle
flying, bones out of joint like their
wing bent sideways.
Through His blood I can get
things done decently and in order.
To be right with God He had to
experience... bleeding disorder.
Therefore, I tell you the good news like
an evening news TV reporter should.
Thus says the LORD,
"I just called to say I love you
more than Stevie Wonder."
When I call upon Him, He comes
running to me at breakneck-speed.
He's head over heels for me more
than a man can over woman stuck
halfway mid-bend, unable to do
a full cartwheel completely .
Therefore, I want to inspire others on
earth while even they in Heaven can see.
And shine more brightly than any accessory
in jewelry, or any necklace you've seen,
or every ray of the sun on one point
shining simultaneously; a Bride of Christ
in a dress from a king who owns
Heaven's boutique.
I am worth more than all the planets
in existence because He died for me.
More than all the gold and silver one
could ever attempt to use to pay the price
for me. I am valued higher than New-Earth
diamonds and rubies, designed unique;
Highly esteemed though He was despised
and grieved, chastised for my peace.
I am sitting on a throne beside Him
and look into the eyes of Jesus.
I am a high priest, He is my Temple.
Having received love, I give freely.
What He took upon Himself while on
the cross was like the sky falling.
Burning water from the vapor-shield,
it falling right on Him. Magnitude of the
situation greater than the 5 greatest
earthquakes combined all at once,
9 hurricanes and a giant tidal wave
colliding simultaneously.
For a righteous man
not many would die.
For a good man even more
would. Jesus Christ died
for all, so how much more
are we important to Him?
Open Book
SpiritualAll I cannot speak openly to others as in speech, I'm letting it out now on pages. It is named Open Book because for a long time I have been reserved with a locked personality. This is an open view of my musings, hopes, joys, battles, and flaws. I s...