22. Uncommon Respect, Part 2

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Every soul has a talk with God about their life to be way before being embodied. He gives to each the gift of free-will. He desires to be loved willingly without any force or coercion. For the soul to freely choose that 360° turn around to return to Him. Completing the space in His heart, that puzzle piece that was lost.

He has a calling for everyone, but eventually men choose whether to listen or not, to love or to hate Him. For some, the uniqueness He created in them that was yet to bloom, remaineddormant. The challenging yet joyous destiny He had for them never get touched. That glorious facet of Himself never got revealed in them.

This is a mystery among many other that mankind cannot understand. We question, unable to understand as to why some choose God and why some rebuke His goodness all their lives. We do not understand why they become the way they become. I guess there must be a lot of things we are missing or are kept hidden form us for our own good while we are on earth. One thing is for sure, those who return to Him willingly and do not forsake Him for the world; those people are deeply cherished and loved even more!

If you ask yourself "Why agree to come to this earth to begin with?" I recall reading a dialogue between Him and adear soul, where He said that the soul makes the decision based on a clear heavenly mindset. This means they did saw all their life and felt everything, God did not conceal anything. Therefore, having shown all and been given His words of promise of Hisunfailing presence and love, the soul then made the decision.

Heaven's citizens do understand things in a higher point of view than ours. They are not limited. They understand sin, love, the redemption, the cross of the Lord and the sufferings more than we understand as we go through them here. In that moment burning with such an over-the-top flame for God and His people, among many other reasons unknown to us, they agree and offer themselves up to Him. Willing to be a blessing to someone and even tocarry a bag full of pain just so that His salvation might reach and be accepted by those still lost souls on earth.

This is only a glimpse as of how this could be happening up there. The fullness of what a soul goes through and the process to come downto earth only God knows.

It is true that living down here on Earth, one is exposed to the wilderness of confusion, hatred and unforgiveness, and all pass through a lot of different pains. However, did not God say, "I chose you to be mine before the foundation of the world."  And did not Jesus affirm, "All those whom You have given me, none did I lose."  Once you have chosen to belong to God, you WILL be His no matter where you are hiding or with whom you have gotten yourself involved with. Not even oneis lost, for He protects them in countless ways, and once the time is ripe, He brings them back. He has chosen us and made the invitation, but we need to answer.

The choice is ours; yours, mine, and no one else. Daily we make decisions. Occasionally we face hard ones. Eventually the final choice will stand face to face with us.

Short life or long life, do not fear, just trust him. TRUST HIM!

"And this is the will of God, that I should not lose even one of all those he has given me, but that I should raise them up at the last day." - John 6, NTL

"I have revealed you to the ones you gave me from this world. They were always yours. You gave them to me.... All who are mine belong to you, and you have given them to me, so they bring me glory.... I guardedthem so that not one was lost, except the one headed for destruction, as the Scriptures foretold.... Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world. I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message." -John 17: 6,12,18 and 20 NTL

For a more open and deeper understanding about this topic, search the following message from Still Small Voice: "Why Does GOD Allow Suffering ~REVISED~Jesus Speaks on Bitterness"

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