Seungyoun as a dom

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Look at those eyes, he's a fucking sadist.

Not fully, but he likes to see you suffer.

Wink-wink, nudge-nudge.

Keeps it in the bedroom because he wants to keep you to himself.

Definitely likes to watch you turn into a mess because of him. He just doesn't act on it until you're home.

Probably into restraints.

Like, 80%.

Prefers objects for that so he can use his hands for other things.

Especially when carrying out punishments.

Like after a day of your constant complaining about practice taking too long and how you want to go home.

And going as far as to throw a tiny tantrum.

Even after he says he'll take you home.

But you're still upset so you have an attitude, probably not talking to him on the way.

And that's his breaking point really because he's a talk-it-out kind of person.

So you ignoring him just really pushes more buttons.

Starts driving a little faster, not bothering to look at you or talk.

Because two can play at that game.

And he wants you to know you fucked up.

Especially when you make it home, and he goes straight to the bedroom.

You don't follow immediately and you just hear him clear his throat.

You slowly walk in and he just raises a brow.

Probably asks you why you were acting up, or what you thought you would get from it.

Quickly follows up with something about making it up to him because he wasn't really expecting an answer to his previous question anyway.

Wants your clothes off first, but he's not taking anything off.


Has you laying on your stomach with your hands cuffed behind your back a majority of the time because in the end it leaves your face in the mattress.

Runs his hands along your back, smirking as you wiggle under the lightest touches.

Dips the same hand down to rub over you before pulling away.

Laughs lightly when you whine, reminding you that it's a punishment.

Not much of a 'black & blue' fan, but wants you to not be able to sit properly, so he probably settles somewhere between ten to twenty.

Makes you count every single one.

Totally hits you harder every couple hits.

When he's finally done, he tells you how well you did, rubbing his hand over the hot flesh before spreading your legs more so he can dip his hand in again.

Smirks at how wet you are before pushing a finger in.

Leans over you and presses kisses on your shoulder, leaving small bites as he's making his way to your neck to do the same.

Tells you how much he wants you cum but pulls his fingers out right before you can.

Moves so he was where he was at before, and lifts your hips up until your knees are on the bed.

You can hear him unbuttoning his pants, and you know what's coming so you're bracing yourself because he usually wants you to beg.

But he doesn't even tease you about it.

Or start with the tip.

Just fully pushes into you, immediately starting a brutal pace.

Totally about fucking you up.

No mercy at all.

Loves hearing your muffled moans the most because it shows that even with your face pressed into the mattress, you're still loud enough for him.

"Not so bratty now, huh?"

Loves when you can't respond.

Grips your hair and lifts your head up.

"This is what you wanted, right?"

Slows down so you can respond.

Even if you're begging for him not to stop.

Wants to hear how broken you are.

Won't pick up the pace again unless you answer how he wants you to.

And when he does, he keeps his grip in your hair, wanting to hear everything.

When he knows you're close, he'll make you beg.


None of that multiple 'please's shit.

I'm talking like the whole "I'll be a good girl for you, I promise." kinda shit.

Even though you both know it's a lie.

Takes it as your apology.

When he does let you cum, he doesn't stop until your begging.



Just really likes hearing you beg.

For everything.

You're probably going to cum a good amount of times though.

Maybe like, a solid three or four times if he's being nice.

Wants you completely ruined by the end of it because he's tryna make a point.

When he's satisfied, he'll pull out and take the cuffs off before pulling you into him.

A1 aftercare.

Originally posted 10.5.19 on Tumblr.

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