First kiss with them

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Seungwoo: When you asked to come over and study, he didn't expect you to rant about how slow he was taking things. But you were determined to get him to snap and do something. But of course he didn't, ending the conversation with 'I will eventually.' He had the patience of a god and you were left unsuccessful while you reluctantly shifted your focus back to your homework. It was when you weren't expecting it that he quickly turned his head pressed his lips to yours.

"I told you I would." He smirked at your shocked face before doing it again. "Now get back to your work."

Seungyoun: Walking you home normally wasn't as nerve-racking as tonight, but he couldn't help but think of all the ways tonight could go wrong, especially as your place came into view and your hand started to release it's grip on his. When he didn't let go as easily, you looked up at him figuring he had something to say, but you were met with him placing a small kiss on your lips, your lips curving into a smile as he pulled away.

"Someone seems happy." He laughed as the smile never left. "It makes me want to do it again."

Wooseok: You were supposed to be watching the movie, but you couldn't help but stare at your boyfriend and unbeknownst to you, it was starting to get to him. He knew he was hot, but did you really have to stare at him that much? With that look? Especially when you chose the movie? When he turned to look at you, you quickly moved your eyes to the screen, your face heating up as you got caught.

"If you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to kiss you." He smiled before realizing what he said. "Wait, that's not how I wanted to do it."

Yohan: The movie went great. Dinner went great. The walk home went great. But he still couldn't help the nervous feeling that bubbled up in him as he walked you to the door. You leaned in for a hug and when you pulled away he couldn't help but lean in, his hands cupping your face lightly before he pulled away, a shy smile smile stuck on his face.

"I-Sorry-" He chuckled nervously, his hand scratching the back of his neck. "I just couldn't help it."

Hangyeol: When he let you pick where to go for the day's date, he wasn't expecting you to choose a library. He spent his time following you around as you browsed the isles, finally picking a few books and smiled as you made your way back to the table you chose. You'd been so caught up in reading that you hadn't noticed him staring at you before leaning over and quickly pecking your lips before anyone could see, a small laugh coming out as you hid behind your book.

"You're cute when you're flustered." He whispered with a smile. "I should catch you off guard more often."

Junho: It was a spur of the moment thing. It wasn't supposed to happen that way, but maybe the universe just wanted to ruin his plans. In the midst of playing video games, he'd won for the umpteenth time, and you smacked his shoulder with a pout. You were too busy scolding him about how he should at least let you win once when he couldn't take it anymore, leaning in and not pulling away until he realized what he'd done.

"You just looked cu-" He started before he sighed and closed his eyes. "Wait, that sounded cringy."

Dongpyo: You kept teasing him about how he never made the first move for anything in the relationship. You had confessed, you had asked him out, you had held his hand first. At this rate, you were pretty sure you'd end up being the one to kiss him first. But before you could even get to that part, he quickly leaned over and pecked your lips before resuming his place in his seat, pretending nothing happened.

"There, I did it." He rushed out, before looking away. "Now you can't say I never make the first move."

Minhee: He'd been trying to do it all day and it's like the universe was against him. Something always got in the way. He'd eventually given up, coming to terms that it just wasn't meant to happen today. He reached into his pocket and pulling out his chap stick, an idea popping into his head as he stared at the small tube after applying it. It was his last chance after all.

"My chap stick's flavored." He pointed out, giving you a shy side glace. "You wanna taste it?"

Eunsang: He'd been giving himself a pep talk the whole day. He chickened out before, and he refused to shy away again. He was going to kiss you before he went back home today and that was that. Even if he made himself look stupid. When you finally met up, he quickly leaned in, catching you off guard and you hid your face in his chest, refusing to look up at him, especially when he asked for another one.

"What do you mean 'no'?" He laughed, his arms trying to push you back so he could look at you. "Stop being mean and give me a kiss."

Hyeongjun: When he took you on a date downtown to walk by the beach, the last thing he was expecting was to get nervous and trip over his own feet, an embarrassed smile forming on his face as he laid down in defeat. His embarrassed smile turned into a shy one as you picked up the hand he fell on and gave it a small kiss, the small action giving him an idea and he stuck his lips out. This way he didn't have to make a bigger fool of himself.

"Wait, I think I have another cut." He fake pouted, trying to hide his smirk as he pointed to his lips. "Kiss this one, too."

Dohyun: He just wouldn't let it go. You had completely forgotten what the argument was about in the first place due to him changing the subject just so he could have the last word and you being just as stubborn as him, kept it up. You were about to respond when you got an idea, quickly leaning over the restaurant table to peck his lips, sufficiently shutting him up as you sat back in your chair with a smile.

"Did you really just-" He stopped, a shy smile forming as he looked over at you. "That's not fair."

Originally posted 11.18.19 on Tumblr.

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