Reaction to you wearing revealing clothing

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Seungwoo: *Wants to be mature and leave you alone but really can't help but want to stay home.*

"If you leave wearing that," He started, his eyes looking over you. "I don't think we'll be out for too long."

Seungyoun: *Lets you wear it but tries to cover you up somehow once he notices people staring. Lowkey gets upset.*

"Just take the jacket, please." He huffed as he threw it on your lap. "You know I don't like people looking at you like that."

Wooseok: *Tries to talk you out of it but when you don't listen, he doesn't even try anymore.*

"I don't even wanna go anymore." He shrugged. "Because it might be more fun if we just stay home."

Yohan: *Stares in disbelief at how you're dressed and starts to wonder if he'll be able to control himself.*

"Why do you hate me?" He deadpanned as he continued staring. "You just want me to suffer, don't you?"

Hangyeol: *Immediately shakes his head and tells you to change, smiling softly when you ask why.*

"Because, baby," He chuckled, his hands wrapping around your waist. "That's only for me to see."

Junho: *Tries to come up with random excuses as to why you need thicker clothes.*

"What if it rains? Or we get a cold front?" He tried. "I'm not gonna have a jacket to spare so you need to have your own." *Him on the inside once you cover up.*

Dongpyo: *Stares at how your crop top rises slightly every time you move and speaks up at the last minute.*

"Can you not wear that?" He asked nervously. "It's just that I don't want the guys to see you like...that."

Minhee: *Tries not to say anything but can't help trying to cover you up in some way.*

"Are you sure you don't want my jacket?" He tried, knowing full well the material would cover you completely. "It's gonna be cold." *Him approving your outfit after you change.*

Eunsang: *Lowkey concerned about your outfit choice given your date location. Kinda scolds you.*

"Baby...You know ice rinks are cold, right?" He questioned as he saw your shorts. "And what if you fall? Your legs will freeze."

Hyeongjun: *Scared to speak up about it so he tries to cancel the plans all together.*

"I'm actually feeling a little sick." He pouted. "Maybe we can raincheck on the carnival? Hmm?" *Tries to coax you by acting cute.*

Dohyun: *Wonders how he's gonna bring it up because he's worried you're gonna get mad.*

"How much do you love me?" He started with a small pout. "Because what I'm about to say is very hate-able."

Originally posted 6.4.20 on Tumblr.

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