Deal or No Deal?

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" " + Bold~~ "Slenderman"

" " + Underline~~ "Trenderman"

' ' + Italic~~ 'Telepathy'


Crushing despair and utter agony. The only two emotions I've been able to feel for the last couple of months. But today is different. It's different because I can remember everything that happened to me last night when I took a glance at myself in the mirror. Now I feel disgust, horror, and all-consuming rage.

How dare they do this to me!?!?!

The mirror shatters into pieces, my hand bleeds, and the emptiness starts to return. I fall to my knees, uncaring of the glass shards, and sob.

Then something touches my shoulder.

Suddenly I'm on the other side of the room staring wide-eyed at a tall, faceless being in a suit. I know who he is and what he does. It's hard not to when my bestie (dontthinkaboutherdontthi–) went through a creepypasta phase. Although I can only remember him and one other.

I smile for the first time in what feels like forever. He's going to kill me! I'll be reunited with my lov–

"I am not here to kill you, child,"

My smile disappears as my dreams are crushed. It doesn't bother me that he can read my mind, it just makes it easier for me to keep my voice silent.

'Then what use are you?' I ask emotionlessly.

"I can help you get revenge,"

It feels like time stops when my mind latches onto that word.

'Revenge?' The word is full of wonder, hope, and innocence.

"Yes, child. Against the ones who did this to you, who only caused you pain and misery,"

'Against who?'


At first, it doesn't make sense. Humans didn't do anything to me, it was– . . . Then it clicks. It was humans who killed my mates, who made my bestie betray me, who violated my body–

I shift to my male form. I won't shift back to female until I captured each one of those fuckers who touched what wasn't there's. I look back at the Slenderman.

'What are the terms and conditions?' I ask, having a brief strike of clarity for the first time in months.

"You'll have to live here and do missions for me,"

I nod as my head turns fuzzy again, sealing my fate.

He comes over to me, leaning down to be the same height as me, "Now that we have that settled, let us see if I can at least make the pain bearable,"

It's almost like something lightly knocks on the barrier of mind. The presence has no bad intentions and only wants to help so I let them in. I go into a safe, out of the way corner as the presence does its own thing. When it's done, it quickly leaves

I sigh in relief as the pain that is in my mind, heart, and soul is dulled. I take notice of what can be described as a one-way wall but I don't care about that at the moment. I just want to exist in the present for right now and deal with everything later.

He holds out his hand to me, "Come along, child, we have a busy day ahead of us," I take it with a pout, letting my inner child out.

'I have a name you know,' I say as he leads me into an office and out into the hall.

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