Burned Alive

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You sit back, trying to comprehend what Slender just told you. Angels are real. It makes sense in a way because if demons real then why wouldn't angels be real too? That one is easy to accept but it's the other thing that you're having a hard time believing. 'Soulmates' are a thing that actually exists. It just sounds so, fake.

"Do you think he was telling the truth then?" You ask Slender instead of dwelling in your thoughts.

The room darkens as a cat manifests from the shadows before jumping up on top of Slender's desk where Scar is lying. The cat is as black as the shadows it came from and wispy looking with completely white eyes that practically glow. When it sits right next to Scar, he meows happily and wraps their tails together, purring

"Does this answer your question?" It's the same voice from your dream, Nate.

"It does indeed," Slender replies, "Although it doesn't answer the many other questions we have,"

"I know, but somebody woke up before I could even begin to explain anything," You have no idea how a featureless cat is able to give you a disdainful look, just that it's possible. You decide to keep silent and let Slender deal with the stuck-up asshole.

"I've been wondering about that. How are you able to appear in others' dreams, much less appear here, when, from what I was able to gather, you died a couple of months ago?" You didn't know about that. You stare at Nate as he answers.

"I actually can't appear in dreams as it's not one of my abilities. A friend of ou–mine was able to make me appear in his dream. As for appearing in this realm, it drains my energy. Now, can I get to why I'm here?"

"I assume it has to do with the state of Scar's mind, correct?" You can feel how air turns somber.

"Yes," A sorrowful tone laces his voice, "You have many thanks for trying to help, Faceless One, but it wasn't enough. According to my friend, the wall that you put up somehow broke. The memories overwhelmed him, causing him to lose control. In a way, it allowed us to finally find him since we've been, gone but finding him like that was heartbreaking, to say the least,"

Wait, if he only found Scar today then that means. . .

"You don't know what happened to him last night, do you?" You murmur, feeling slightly bad for him. The guy may be a prick but he seems to genuinely care about Scar and to find out this way is no doubt awful.

"No, why? What happened to him?"

"I found them last night on my way back to the mansion," Slender sighs, "They were lying unconscious on the ground, their clothes in utter ruin, and their hair cut extremely short,"

"What are you trying to say?"

"There's no delicate way to say this, Scar was raped–"

"Gang-raped," You correct, "I smelled multiple human scents from him when you brought him back,"

Nate is silent for a few seconds in shock before it turns into rage.

"To hell with Heaven's rules!" He snarls as the shadows seem to gain a life of their own, "I'm going to fucking kill those humans who dared to touch my Mate!"

"Meow!" Scar scolds Nate, smacking him in the head with his paw, causing the shadows to instantly go back to normal.

"Sorry, Starshine," Nate mumbles, head down in chastisement. Scar gives a nod in satisfaction, lying back down.

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