( =^● ω ●^=)

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You stare at where your Caretaker and your Shadowy Friend just disappeared. Without taking you along. . . . . . . those assholes. You turn to Floaty and Blue Jacket expectantly. They turn to the Stickman, who picks you up and hands you over to Blue Jacket.

"That was Nathan and this is Scar. They're our newest residents. 'Starshine' is Nathan's nickname for Scar. The 'black-eyed assassin' is Jane. If you have any questions, ask the others for I will be busy," The Stickman says before he also disappears. Blue Jacket lifts you up to be eye level with him and Floaty looking at you over Blue Jacket's shoulder.

"Someone said that Scar has the mindset of a cat but has human-level intelligence," Floaty tells Blue Jacket. Blue Jacket hums before he holds you properly and begins to walk somewhere. It's a short walk as you arrive in a colorful room a few seconds later.

He sets you down on a table, "Stay," He demands quietly before moving to a different area of the room. You're tempted to not listen because no one tells you what to do, you're a cat and that means you can do whatever the fuck you want. But your curiosity has no bounds so you decide to behave. For now, that is. When he returns, he places a white rectangle and eight different colors down in front of you.

"Paint something," He commands. Paint . . . . . . . that tickles something in the back of your mind. An image pops into your head and you decide to do that. You nudge the rectangle until the long side faces you then start by putting blue on it. Some nice sounding noise begins to play in the background. You lose yourself to the colors and the noise. After a while, you finally stop, feeling that it's finished.

"Meow! {I'm done!}" You call out to gain Blue Jacket's attention.

~~~~~✴ Helen's P.O.V. ✴~~~~~

You honestly didn't expect Scar to listen when you told him to paint something. It was surprising that he took it seriously, he even had you mix the paint to get a certain color he wanted. The fact that you're actually able to tell what he painted is even more surprising.

"Interesting," You murmur as Puppeteer comes over to look.

"Huh," Puppeteer adds when he sees it.

At the top is the night sky with a moon and stars, at the bottom there's fire, and in the center are two figures with what looks to be wings. One figure has white eyes while the other has bright blue eyes.

"Good job," You praise, giving Scar a pat on the head then go to place the canvas off to the side to dry, "What time is it?"

"Almost time for dinner so grab the cat and move it,"

~~~~~✴ Eyeless Jack's P.O.V. ✴~~~~~

You hiss in pain as you sit in your seat as Smile and Grinny keep snickering.

"Did something happen?" Liu asks, glancing between you and the two animals.

"No–" You start.

"He flew into a tree!" Smile shouts causing both of them to howl in laughter. The ones who are already at the table give you various looks ranging from questioning to concern but you ignore it.

"I wonder what dog and cat kidneys taste like," You say emotionlessly, staring at the smiling dog and grinning cat, effectively shutting them up.

"Bad day?" Jane asks, raising an eyebrow. Before you can answer, you hear the familiar sound of a certain feline yelling at you.

~~~~~✴ Scar's P.O.V. ✴~~~~~

"{You assholes!}" You yell at Caretaker and Shadowy Friend as you, Blue Jacket, and Floaty enter the Eating Room, "{You left me!}" Blue Jacket hands you over to Caretaker and Shadowy Friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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