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You shake your head in disappointment at Jeff's impulsiveness.

"Jeffery," You sigh as Scar smirks akin to a cat who has gotten the cream, "This is exactly why I don't allow you to do any of the 'cool' missions,"

"What the hell do you mean–mmph!" Jeff starts but Liu stops him by covering his mouth with his hand. You put your coffee and newspaper down, deciding to use this situation as a teaching opportunity.

"What I mean is that if this was one of those missions, you would have just made a foolishly stupid decision," You clasp your hands together, "Who can tell me why that is?"

"He was rash and didn't think of what the consequences would be," Jane answers.

"Close but not quite. Anyone else?" When no one speaks up you turn to your lead proxy, ignoring Scar for the moment as he wildly waves his hand, "Masky?"

He hesitates before replying, "He accepted a deal with an Unknown,"

"Correct, and this situation is dangerous for multiple reasons, which Scar will be happy to explain,"

He straightens ups, 'There are beings who can gain power by making a deal, faeries and demons for example,'

You begin to piece together the mystery that is the newest member of your household as they start their speech. Last night you only gleaned enough information from their mind to get a simple summary of what just happened to them and that they are in mourning, not wanting to give them a reason to distrust you. You figured that, if needed, you could look through their mind at a later time, but you were wrong. Their mind was completely open, up until you gave them that little spark to live. Then a barrier sprung up, blocking even you from entering their mind.

Then they again pleasantly surprised you by shifting from female to a male version of themself and, you assume, fixing their appearance to how it used to be before the incident last night, which you are admittingly curious about (their appearance, not the incident). They obviously have the ability to heal themselves as their hand is perfectly fine, not a single mark that could even suggest that it was injured in the first place. Yet they do nothing about the noticeably large scar on their face. As you already know what they look like you won't go into detail about it, the reader will just have to wait until someone else does it.

'–I think that's it as far as I know,' Scar finishes showing off some of his knowledge. You can tell he's pleased by the shocked looks on all your resident's faces. You can also tell that your brothers are shocked too but for a different reason. Sally, on the other hand, looks at him in awe.

"Amazing!" Sally squeals, breaking the silence.

'Thanks, Sally,' Scar smiles at her, 'The contest will take some time to put together so we have to do it on a different day but I'll still play dress-up with you after you and whoever is joining us is done eating,'

"I'm done!" She pushes her plate away and looks at Jane and Clockwork, "Are you done eating?"

"Yeah, Sals, we are," Clockwork answers as Jane drinks the rest of her coffee.

"Then let's go!" Sally exclaims, jumping up and grabbing Scar's arm, dragging him out of his chair and into the hallway. The girls, Trender, and Splendor quickly get up to catch up with them. The ones who are left are either still in shock (Jeff, LJ, and Ben), trying to process what just happened (Toby, Liu, and Hoodie), or thinking thoughtfully (EJ and Masky).

"Now that you have somewhat interacted with them," You say, an amused tone to your voice, "Do you have a guess as to whether they are human or not?"

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