~ introduction ~

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Isadora's P.O.V

Being stuffed into a red herring statue and transported to the outskirts of the Hinterlands wasn't my idea of a nice road trip. Especially when you're strapped to the top of a car belonging to a villain, his dreadful acting troupe and his horrid girlfriend. But alas, this was where me and my brother Duncan were. It wasn't the most fortunate of situations.

The worst part, was being separated from our friends the Baudelaires. I had grown quite fond the three orphans during our short time together at Prufrock Preparatory School. Sunny with her uniquely sharp baby teeth, Violet and her magnificent inventing skills and Klaus who loved literature as much as I did. I hadn't quite figured out what I felt for Klaus. Though it felt like more than friendship, I couldn't be sure he felt the same. The Baudelaires and I, along with Duncan, became fast friends due to our shared hatred of Carmelita Spats; a rude girl whom we had the misfortune of going to school with. Of course there were more reasons as to why we were friends, but that was what brought us together. We soon realised we had more in common than we had thought.

Their parents had perished in a fire that destroyed their home, an uncannily similar situation to me and my brother. We're triplets but our other brother Quigley, died with our beloved parents that night our house was set aflame. The other reason Duncan and I had become so close with the Baudelaires, was to do with a spyglass.

(*whoooosh* fLaShBaCk tiMeEe)

Before Duncan and I were sent to Prufrock, we were taken to visit the wreckage of our house. It was a dismal day and one I'd rather forget, save for one part. As the two of us wandered through what used to be our library, I paused at the sight of something on the floor.

"Duncan look." I pointed to a small pipe looking object sitting in the ash
"Isadora? Hey, what's that?"
"I-I don't know." I said picking it up. Half of it proceeded to crumble to dust in my fingers. But half was intact and it was then I realised it was a spyglass.
"A spyglass?" Duncan looked over my shoulder at it. "Or, half a spyglass." He gestured to the ash.
It wasn't just a spyglass...
"Yes, but look-" I was interrupted by our carer calling for us to come back. We hurried outside to the car not taking a second glance back at what was left on our estate.

(*whooooosh* baCk tO tHe pReSeNt)

We had only discovered half a spyglass. But luckily, someone we knew had discovered half too. This someone just happened to be Klaus Baudelaire. As I pulled out half out of my pocket I was stunned to see Klaus holding part of a spyglass identical to ours. The two pieces clicked in together like a jigsaw. I could practically see the questions marks appear above everyone's heads.

Duncan and I later discovered a book that could answer all our questions. It seemed there was much we didn't know about our parents, these things include: a sugarbowl, a fateful night at the opera, figurative fires and real fires, and three poison darts. Much to our dismay, we were kidnapped before reading all of it so there is much we're still in the dark about. Figuratively and literally in the dark, seeing as we are currently inside a statue of a fish.

Wow, so this is my first story and recently I've read so many ASOUE fics that I felt the need to write my own.

Anyway, idek if my writing is any good but I guess we'll see won't we!

624 words

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