~ rules ~

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Sunny's P.O.V

Narrator's P.O.V

Now, of course, young Sunny here is still learning to talk. 'Supercalifregalisticexpialidocius' can mean many things. The first of which is a word created by Robert B. Sherman for a song entitled 'Supercalifregalisticexpialidocius' from the movie 'Mary Poppins' which came out in 1965. This word in the movie is a way of saying something when you don't know what to say. In Sunny's case though, she knew exactly what she was saying, we just haven't mastered her way of talking yet. She was explaining everything that happened after the Baudelaires arrived in the town of V.F.D. Generally, the Baudelaires would be the only ones able to translate, but I have taken several accounts from this day and will do my best.

The Baudelaires entered the city hall to find what looked like most of the town congregated together. The children entered what looked like a courtroom with a desk up the back and pews behind a gate in front.

"Ah, you must be the Baudelaires!" An old man with a taxidermy crow on his hat said. Him, along with two other women seemed to be in charge as they were sitting behind a desk wearing matching crow hats. "Come, stand on the platform." The children did as they were told.

"I'm Violet. These are my sibling-" She was rudely interrupted by the shriek of the woman in the middle.

"SILENCE! Rule #902 states that no one may talk while on the platform!"

Klaus began to speak but the woman banged her gavel hard and shushed him.

"Now, we must discuss where you are going to live. We have decided you will live with our handyman Hector. Hector?"

The Baudelaires turned around to see a short man stand up sheepishly. He looked awfully pale and quite close to passing out. He smiled and attempted to speak but fell unconscious before he could agree or disagree.

"The Council hears no complaints from Hector. Children, as we are all you guardians it is only right that you do all our chores because that is what children do!" The man said.

"I don't thin-" Klaus began

"SILENCE. NO TALKING ON THE PLATFORM!! It's decided. The children will be doing our chores! Now the next matter is about this Count Olaf. We have made a rule that will solve all your problems Baudelaires!  Rule #9833 states that no villains will be allowed within the city limits!"

The Baudelaires were sceptical. Neither one of them thought a rule could keep Count Olaf out of this town. But, they knew what would happen if they opened their mouths.

"We have even hired a brand new Cheif of Police to keep Count Olaf away." And then, as if following an acting cue, a tall woman marched through the doors in a very fashionable jumpsuit. She wore a motorcycle helmet with large sunglasses that covered her eyes. It was only when she waved her long manicured fingernails and spoke in a very fakely disguised voice, that the Baudelaires recognised her and their stomachs plummeted.

"Ello. My name is Sabrina Pepper Anastasia Marigold, but you may call me" She whipped off her fashionable sunglasses. "Officer Luciana, your new Cheif of Police." But the Baudelaires knew her by another name. An equally long name. It was Esme Gigi Genevieve Squalor. But they didn't have time to think all that so they all simply said


"SHH! We can see your lips moving! whispering is talking and there's no talking on the platform!"

"Unless you 'appen to be Cheif of Police." Esme countered.

"Unless you happen to be Cheif of Police." The Council agreed. Esme then launched into a spiel about her audacious "official" police uniform and told everyone she would:

"Punish the people who break even the tiniest rule." Her eyes slid to the Baudelaires like a snake that had just caught a helpless mammal in a trap. Suddenly, someone spoke from the balcony of the courtroom.

"Hear hear! I like this new Cheif of Police!" Then he clapped his hooks together. The rest of Olaf's troupe joined in getting the town to applaud Esme.

As the crowd applauded she lent over and whispered to the three orphans using her normal voice to rub in the fact that her plan was working.

"As you can see Baudelaires, we have eyes everywhere and we are always watching."

She put stress on those last two words before returning to soak up her applause.


pArT fiVe! hOoRaY! I know this isn't very sHiPpY but we need some context to the story... Thank you so much for 105 reads! so much more than I was expecting. <3
don't forget to comment! :)))

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