~ escape pt. 2 ~

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Narrator's P.O.V

It is a strange saying; "soulmate" It implies that you are made for someone out there and they are made for you. Some people may never meet their "soulmate", I suppose no one shall ever know. It is an elaborate term and is rarely ever used in normal circumstances. But I know, that the moment the Quagmires were reunited with their friends, it was the time to use this elaborate term. (i am so dramatic-)



Isadora's P.O.V (this is gonna switch like five times so pay attention)

I ran at Klaus and tackled him into a hug like he was the only person in the world. I had missed them all so incredibly much. He spun around and picked me up. Shit, he's strong? Wow. Reason #6471 why I want to date Klaus Baudelaire. I just hugged him tighter.

It always surprised me that a horrid school, crabs, fungus, a mysterious book and an annoying pink cretin could create such an amazing friendship between five people.

I say friendship, and that's what it was. All it was. I don't know what it feels like to love someone but I think this might be it.

Klaus' P.O.V (yes, i will cram all four povs into this. watch me)

Isadora tackled me into a hug as soon as the fountain open and I spun her into a hug, lifting her in the process. By now I knew I liked Isadora but I didn't know how much. Being separated from her was horrible.

I didn't know it was possible to miss someone this much. I mean, there are many people I miss, my parents being one of them, but this was different, I felt like I couldn't breathe when she wasn't with me. Or maybe it was love in the air and I suddenly have asthma when I'm not with Isadora??? Yep. That was it. I loved her. I was completely and utterly in love with her.

Duncan's P.O.V (dunclet here we goooo!)

They'd found us. They were here. I jumped down and scooped Violet into my arms as soon as I saw her. Angels do exist. She was by far the most gorgeous angel out there.

Girls weren't my thing if you couldn't tell. It seems Quigley got all the charm and suave-ness and I got all the awkwardness and ultimate dork-ness. You're expecting me to say something like "But I was cool around Violet." Nope. I was even worse around her. I turned pink every time she looked at me just because she's so damn BEAUTIFUL! (i feel you dunc, malina is so damn beautiful)

I couldn't tell her how I felt, could I?

Violet's P.O.V (^u^)

I almost screamed with joy when I saw Duncan and Isadora emerge from the fountain. I practically threw myself at Duncan and almost squeezed the air out of him with my embrace. It was how long since I'd seen his stupidly cute face? Too long. Wow, being in the fountain made the two of them look a little raggedy; they had messy hair and ruffled clothing, but honestly? It was hot. I'd never seen his hair all untidy and it looked pretty good... You're getting distracted Violet.

I suddenly remembered the engraving on the red herring and blushed. I think that mus confirm he likes me right? I'm not stupid. It was his and my initials. They looked nice together.

Sunny's P.O.V (here comes sunny the sass queen...)

Ugh. Here we go.

Teenagers are so stupid sometimes. It's painfully obvious they're in love. All of them. They should just admit it to each other. You'd think "playing hard to get" would be the problem but it's not. The problem is they all just too dumb to see what's right in front of them. So annoying...

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